The forum of the forums

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The forum of the forums
2 posters

    Global Forums


    Male Posts : 30
    Reputation : 0
    Language : English, Greek
    Location : Greece

    Global Forums Empty Global Forums

    Post by No1Eye November 1st 2009, 7:22 am

    Choice of Catergory: Computers and Internet

    Forum Title: Global Forums

    Language: English

    Forum's Theme: Invision

    Forum's Purposes: It's a Forum Site in which users are able to talk about anything they want to, as you can easily understand from the Main Title of it. It's about any kind of discussion the users want to have about.


    The Special Ranks ( at this time )

    Founder/Owner/Administrator: No1Eye ( Me )
    Co-Administrator: Conan
    Super Moderators: - None yet -
    Forum Moderators: - None yet -
    Chatbox Moderators: - None yet -
    Graphic Designers: - None yet -
    Reviewers: - None yet -
    Former Staff: - None yet -
    VIP's: argirisman, yannis
    Active Users: - None yet -
    Inactive Users: - None yet -
    Banned Users: - None yet -
    Registered Users: - All the Registered Members - ( see in Statistics, further below )

    And, there are 45 Regular Ranks for users, that the counting is done by the posting number.


    Global Forums
    Global Forums
    Global Forums
    Global Forums


    Arrow Site Category
    ArrowArrow Announcements & News
    ArrowArrow Feedback & Suggestions
    ArrowArrow Help & Support

    Arrow Public Category
    ArrowArrow Introduce Yourselves
    ArrowArrow All Members Discussions
    ArrowArrowArrow Animals & Nature
    ArrowArrowArrow Arts, Graphics & Design
    ArrowArrowArrow Businesses & Occupations
    ArrowArrowArrow Computers & Technology
    ArrowArrowArrow Societies & Cultures
    ArrowArrowArrow Education & Teaching
    ArrowArrowArrow Fun & Humor
    ArrowArrowArrow Health & Shape
    ArrowArrowArrow Hobbies & Interests
    ArrowArrowArrow Media & Communications
    ArrowArrowArrow News, Articles & Politics
    ArrowArrowArrow People & Celebrities
    ArrowArrowArrow Sports & Athletics
    ArrowArrowArrow Transportations & Vehicles
    ArrowArrowArrow Vacations & Destinations
    ArrowArrowArrow Games
    ArrowArrowArrow Others

    Also, there are Closed/Hidden Forums.

    Forum Statistics ( at this time )
    Our users have posted a total of 400 messages
    We have 37 registered users
    The newest registered user is johanescruz
    Most users ever online was 8 on Fri Oct 30, 2009 1:56 pm

    Male Posts : 30
    Reputation : 0
    Language : English, Greek
    Location : Greece

    Global Forums Empty Re: Global Forums

    Post by No1Eye November 6th 2009, 7:28 pm

    The Global Forums Site has changed a bit the appearance.

    There has been added a Head Banner, a Background image, and 4 Scrolling Announcements at the upper side of the screen.

    Here are the new screenshots --->

    Global Forums 78237161

    Global Forums 40449721

    Global Forums 46937676

    Global Forums 76596851

    Global Forums 51693471

    Also, apart from the Categories/Sections you are able to see to the previous post, 1 other Forum has been added to the "Public Category". The "Graphic Design" Forum, which consists by 2 Sub-Forums.

    So, at the end of the Public Category/Section to the previous post, the followings have been added --->

    Arrow Arrow Graphic Designs
    Arrow Arrow Arrow Show-Off
    Arrow Arrow Arrow Contests

    Lastly, the Forum Statistics have been changed as well --->

    Our users have posted a total of 561 messages
    We have 41 registered users
    The newest registered user is Geomaster
    Most users ever online was 8 on Fri Oct 30, 2009 1:56 pm

    Male Posts : 30
    Reputation : 0
    Language : English, Greek
    Location : Greece

    Global Forums Empty Re: Global Forums

    Post by No1Eye November 10th 2009, 8:00 pm

    The Global Forums Site has changed a bit the appearance.

    The 4 Scrolling Announcements at the upper side of the screen have been changed to Silver color ( it used to be in Blue color).

    Here are the New Screenshots --->
    ( with the New changes )

    Global Forums Globalforums1

    Global Forums Globalforums2

    Global Forums Globalforums3

    Global Forums Globalforums4

    Global Forums Globalforums5

    Global Forums Globalforums6

    As you can see from the Screenshots above, some New Categories/Sections have been added to the "Public Category".

    This is how it looks now --->
    ( with the New Categories/Sections )

    Arrow Site Category
    ArrowArrow Announcements & News
    ArrowArrow Feedback & Suggestions
    ArrowArrow Help & Support

    Arrow Public Category
    ArrowArrow Introduce Yourselves
    ArrowArrow Birthday Wishes, Nameday Wishes, New Year Wishes ... etc.
    ArrowArrow All Members Discussions
    ArrowArrowArrow Animals & Nature
    ArrowArrowArrow Arts, Graphics & Design
    ArrowArrowArrowArrow Graphic Show-Off
    ArrowArrowArrowArrow Graphic Contests
    ArrowArrowArrow Businesses & Occupations
    ArrowArrowArrow Computers & Technology
    ArrowArrowArrow Societies & Cultures
    ArrowArrowArrow Education & Teaching
    ArrowArrowArrow Fun & Humor
    ArrowArrowArrow Health & Shape
    ArrowArrowArrow Hobbies & Interests
    ArrowArrowArrow Media & Communications
    ArrowArrowArrowArrow Music
    ArrowArrowArrowArrow Movies
    ArrowArrowArrowArrow TV Shows
    ArrowArrowArrowArrow Cell-Phones
    ArrowArrowArrow News, Articles & Politics
    ArrowArrowArrow People & Celebrities
    ArrowArrowArrow Sports & Athletics
    ArrowArrowArrow Transportations & Vehicles
    ArrowArrowArrow Vacations & Destinations
    ArrowArrowArrow Games
    ArrowArrowArrowArrow PC Games
    ArrowArrowArrowArrow Chill Out Games
    ArrowArrowArrow Others

    Also, there are Closed/Hidden Forums.

    More Forums and/or Sub-Forums like those above will be added shortly according to the needs of the discussions.

    Lastly, the Forum Statistics have been changed as well --->

    Our users have posted a total of 716 messages
    We have 50 registered users
    The newest registered user is binas
    Most users ever online was 8 on Fri Oct 30, 2009 1:56 pm

    Male Posts : 30
    Reputation : 0
    Language : English, Greek
    Location : Greece

    Global Forums Empty Re: Global Forums

    Post by No1Eye November 17th 2009, 6:34 pm

    The Global Forums Site has made quite alot changes in the appearance.

    Here is how it looks at this time ( Screenshots ) --->

    There is a Welcome Floating Message --->

    Global Forums 59443539

    The Home Page looks like this ( after the new changes ) --->

    Global Forums 45201991
    Global Forums 48242132
    Global Forums 85948572
    Global Forums 91157314
    Global Forums 52367322

    There is a Portal now, and it looks like this --->

    Global Forums 92737760
    Global Forums 15046900
    Global Forums 60609904
    Global Forums 82290360
    Global Forums 79948809
    Global Forums 24088682

    As you can see from the Screenshots above, the below things have been added and/or changed --->

    The Special Ranks ( at this time )

    Founder/Owner/Administrator: No1Eye ( Me )
    Co-Administrator: Conan
    Super Moderators: - None yet -
    Forum Moderators: - None yet -
    Chatbox Moderators: - None yet -
    Graphic Designers: - None yet -
    Reviewers: - None yet -
    Former Staff: - None yet -
    VIP 's: argirisman, yannis
    G. F. 's Member of the Week: - None yet -
    Temp Banned Users: - None yet -
    Banned Users: - None yet -
    Registered Users: - All the Registered Members - ( see in Statistics, further below )

    ( if you check the first post, then you will see that some of the Ranks have been changed to those above )

    This is how the new Categories/Sections look like ( New ones have been added, and some have been Deleted, for better performance )

    Arrow Site Category
    ArrowArrow Announcements & News
    ArrowArrow Feedback & Suggestions
    ArrowArrow Help & Support

    Arrow Public Category
    ArrowArrow Introduce Yourselves
    ArrowArrow Birthday Wishes, Nameday Wishes, New Year Wishes ... etc
    ArrowArrow All Members Discussions
    ArrowArrowArrow Animals & Nature
    ArrowArrowArrow Arts, Graphics & Design
    ArrowArrowArrowArrow Graphic Show-Off
    ArrowArrowArrowArrow Graphic Contests
    ArrowArrowArrow Businesses & Occupations
    ArrowArrowArrow Computers & Technology
    ArrowArrowArrow Societies & Cultures
    ArrowArrowArrow Education & Teaching
    ArrowArrowArrow Fun & Humor
    ArrowArrowArrow Health & Shape
    ArrowArrowArrow Hobbies & Interests
    ArrowArrowArrow Media & Communications
    ArrowArrowArrowArrow Music
    ArrowArrowArrowArrow Movies
    ArrowArrowArrowArrow TV Shows
    ArrowArrowArrowArrow Cell-Phones
    ArrowArrowArrow News, Articles & Politics
    ArrowArrowArrow People & Celebrities
    ArrowArrowArrow Sports & Athletics
    ArrowArrowArrow Transportations & Vehicles
    ArrowArrowArrow Vacations & Destinations
    ArrowArrowArrow Games
    ArrowArrowArrow Others
    ArrowArrowArrow Chill Out / The Lounge

    Also, there are Closed/Hidden Forums.

    There is a Central Poll about the Site, it is titled "Do You Like Global Forums ?", in which only the Registered Users can Vote. It's in the left hand center column side.

    The Forum Statistics have been changed as well --->

    Our users have posted a total of 1205 messages
    We have 53 registered users
    The newest registered user is garard
    Most users ever online was 8 on Fri Oct 30, 2009 1:56 pm

    Lastly, we are currently searching for Staff.
    The Special Ranks that need to be filled are the followings --->

    Super Moderators
    Forum Moderators
    Chatbox Moderators
    Graphic Designers

    Whoever wants to offer his/her voluntarily help filling 1 of these 5 mentioned above Staff Memberships, all he/she needs to do is to Register, be a bit of Active in this Site of course, and post his/her desired Staff Membership in HERE
    Of course, first of all he/she needs to read the Staff Requirements in HERE

    For now, as far as i can remember, i did not change other things than the mentioned above.

    Thank you very much for Reading those changes, and i am looking forward on seeing you in my Site. Smile

    Male Posts : 30
    Reputation : 0
    Language : English, Greek
    Location : Greece

    Global Forums Empty Re: Global Forums

    Post by No1Eye November 20th 2009, 12:24 am

    2 new Special Groups have been added to Global Forums :


    And, as i mentioned to my previous post, we are currently trying to fill out the Staff Memberships, for the Developers Group as well (not just for the mentioned Groups to the previous post, but for this 1 as well).

    Apart from that, a User Control Panel has been added to the left-hand column side, and it looks like this --->

    Global Forums 80927196

    The Forum Statistics have been changed a bit as well --->

    Our users have posted a total of 1272 messages
    We have 54 registered users
    The newest registered user is carol
    Most users ever online was 8 on Fri Oct 30, 2009 1:56 pm

    I am looking forward on seeing you in my Site. Smile

    Male Posts : 30
    Reputation : 0
    Language : English, Greek
    Location : Greece

    Global Forums Empty Re: Global Forums

    Post by No1Eye November 23rd 2009, 9:45 pm

    The Global Forums Site has changed a bit the appearance.

    Here are the New Screenshots --->
    ( with the New changes )

    Global Forums 78367717

    Global Forums 21548523

    Global Forums 87297154

    Global Forums 90323123

    Global Forums 32435832

    Global Forums 74794175

    As you can see from the Screenshots above, some Categories/Sections have been changed and/or added to the Global Forums.

    This is how it looks now --->
    ( with the New Changed/Added Categories/Sections )

    Arrow Site Category
    ArrowArrow Announcements & News
    ArrowArrow Feedback & Suggestions
    ArrowArrow Help & Support

    Arrow Public Category
    ArrowArrow Introduce Yourselves
    ArrowArrow Birthday Wishes, Nameday Wishes, New Year Wishes ... etc
    ArrowArrow All Members Discussions
    ArrowArrowArrow Animals & Nature
    ArrowArrowArrow Arts, Graphics & Design
    ArrowArrowArrowArrow Graphic Show-Off
    ArrowArrowArrow Businesses & Occupations
    ArrowArrowArrow Computers & Technology
    ArrowArrowArrow Societies & Cultures
    ArrowArrowArrow Education & Teaching
    ArrowArrowArrow Fun & Humor
    ArrowArrowArrow Health & Shape
    ArrowArrowArrow Hobbies & Interests
    ArrowArrowArrow Media & Communications
    ArrowArrowArrowArrow Music
    ArrowArrowArrowArrow Movies
    ArrowArrowArrowArrow TV Shows
    ArrowArrowArrowArrow Cell-Phones
    ArrowArrowArrow News, Articles & Politics
    ArrowArrowArrow People & Celebrities
    ArrowArrowArrow Sports & Athletics
    ArrowArrowArrow Transportations & Vehicles
    ArrowArrowArrow Vacations & Destinations
    ArrowArrowArrow Games
    ArrowArrowArrow Others
    ArrowArrowArrow Chill Out / The Lounge

    Arrow Contests Category
    ArrowArrow Graphic Designs Contests

    Also, there are Closed/Hidden Forums.

    More Forums and/or Sub-Forums like those above will be added shortly according to the needs of the discussions.

    The Forum Statistics have been changed as well --->

    Our users have posted a total of 1388 messages
    We have 58 registered users
    The newest registered user is alex
    Most users ever online was 8 on Fri Oct 30, 2009 1:56 pm

    The Special Ranks ( at this time )

    Founder/Owner/Administrator: No1Eye ( Me )
    Co-Administrator: Conan
    Super Moderators: - None yet -
    Forum Moderators: - None yet -
    Chatbox Moderators: - None yet -
    Developers: - None yet -
    Technicians: - None yet -
    Graphic Designers: - None yet -
    Reviewers: - None yet -
    Former Staff: - None yet -
    VIPs: argirisman, yannis
    G. F. 's Member of the Week: - None yet -
    Quitters: - None yet -
    Redeeming Users: - None yet -
    Temp Banned Users: - None yet -
    Banned Users: - None yet -
    Registered Users: - All the Registered Members -

    And, there are 45 Regular Ranks for users, that the counting is done by the posting number.

    We are still currently searching for Staff.
    The Special Ranks that need to be filled are the followings --->

    Super Moderators
    Forum Moderators
    Chatbox Moderators
    Graphic Designers

    Whoever wants to offer his/her voluntarily help filling 1 of these 7 mentioned above Staff Memberships, all he/she needs to do is to Register, be a bit of Active in this Site of course, and post his/her desired Staff Membership in HERE
    Of course, first of all he/she needs to read the Staff Requirements in HERE

    Thank you very much for Reading those changes, and i am looking forward on seeing you in my Site. Smile

    Male Posts : 30
    Reputation : 0
    Language : English, Greek
    Location : Greece

    Global Forums Empty Re: Global Forums

    Post by No1Eye December 9th 2009, 3:38 pm

    The Global Forums Site has a brand new appearance.

    That's the link to Global Forums --->

    This is how it looks now (after the new changes) --->

    Global Forums 77601297

    Global Forums 80205542

    Global Forums 49388409

    Global Forums 61050728

    Global Forums 82759687

    Global Forums 57525288

    Global Forums 30895623

    The Forums/Categories are as follows --->

    Arrow Official "Global Forums" Rules & Policies

    Arrow Site Category
    ArrowArrow Announcements & News
    ArrowArrow Feedback & Suggestions
    ArrowArrow Help & Support

    Arrow Public Category
    ArrowArrow Introduce Yourselves
    ArrowArrow Birthday Wishes, Nameday Wishes, New Year Wishes ... etc
    ArrowArrow All Members Discussions
    ArrowArrowArrow Animals & Nature
    ArrowArrowArrow Arts, Graphics & Design
    ArrowArrowArrowArrow Graphic Show-Off
    ArrowArrowArrow Businesses & Occupations
    ArrowArrowArrow Computers & Technology
    ArrowArrowArrow Societies & Cultures
    ArrowArrowArrow Education & Teaching
    ArrowArrowArrow Fun & Humor
    ArrowArrowArrow Health & Shape
    ArrowArrowArrow Hobbies & Interests
    ArrowArrowArrow Media & Communications
    ArrowArrowArrowArrow Music
    ArrowArrowArrowArrow Movies
    ArrowArrowArrowArrow TV Shows
    ArrowArrowArrowArrow Cell-Phones
    ArrowArrowArrow News, Articles & Politics
    ArrowArrowArrow People & Celebrities
    ArrowArrowArrow Sports & Athletics
    ArrowArrowArrow Transportations & Vehicles
    ArrowArrowArrow Vacations & Destinations
    ArrowArrowArrow Games
    ArrowArrowArrow Others
    ArrowArrowArrow Chill Out / The Lounge

    Arrow Contests Category
    ArrowArrow Graphic Designs Contests

    Also, there are Closed/Hidden Forums.

    More Forums and/or Sub-Forums like those above will be added, according to the needs of the discussions.

    The Forum Statistics have been changed as well --->

    Our users have posted a total of 2180 messages
    We have 64 registered users
    The newest registered user is iam_tom

    The Special Ranks ( at this time )

    Administrators: No1Eye ( Me )
    Co-Administrators: Conan
    Super Moderators: - None yet -
    Forum Moderators: - None yet -
    Chatbox Moderators: - None yet -
    Developers: - None yet -
    Technicians: - None yet -
    Graphic Designers: - None yet -
    Reviewers: - None yet -
    Former Staff: - None yet -
    VIPs: argirisman, yannis
    User of the Week: - None yet -
    Quitters: - None yet -
    OnRedeeming Users: - None yet -
    Temp Banned Users: - None yet -
    Banned Users: - None yet -
    Registered Users: - All the Registered Members -

    And, there are 45 Regular Ranks for users, that the counting is done by the posting number.

    We are still currently searching for Staff.
    The Special Ranks that need to be filled are the followings --->

    Super Moderators
    Forum Moderators
    Chatbox Moderators
    Graphic Designers

    Whoever wants to offer his/her voluntarily help filling 1 of these 7 mentioned above Staff Memberships, all he/she needs to do is to Register, be a bit of Active in this Site of course, and post his/her desired Staff Membership in HERE
    Of course, first of all he/she needs to read the Staff Requirements in HERE

    Thank you very much for Reading those changes, and i am looking forward on seeing you in my Site. Smile

    Male Posts : 30
    Reputation : 0
    Language : English, Greek
    Location : Greece

    Global Forums Empty Re: Global Forums

    Post by No1Eye December 15th 2009, 9:00 pm

    The Global Forums Site has selected some Members so to be Staff.

    That's the link to Global Forums --->

    The Special Ranks ( at this time ) --->

    Administrators: No1Eye ( Me )
    Co-Administrators: Conan
    Super Moderators: micro1000
    Forum Moderators: angeliclucero , Katty1209
    Chatbox Moderators: - None yet -
    Developers: - None yet -
    Technicians: - None yet -
    Graphic Designers: - None yet -
    Reviewers: - None yet -
    Former Staff: - None yet -
    VIPs: argirisman , yannis
    User of the Week: - None yet -
    Quitters: cathleenlaura
    OnRedeeming Users: - None yet -
    Temp Banned Users: - None yet -
    Banned Users: cathleenlaura2
    Registered Users: - All the Registered Members -

    And, there are 45 Regular Ranks for users, that the counting is done by the posting number.

    The Forum Statistics have been changed as well ( at this time ) --->

    Our users have posted a total of 2650 messages
    We have 69 registered users
    The newest registered user is katz

    We are still searching for some Staff though.
    The Special Ranks that need to be filled are the followings --->

    Chatbox Moderators
    Graphic Designers

    Whoever wants to offer his/her voluntarily help filling 1 of these 5 mentioned above Staff Memberships, all he/she needs to do is to Register, be a bit of Active in this Site of course, and post his/her desired Staff Membership in HERE
    Of course, first of all he/she needs to read the Staff Requirements in HERE

    Thank you very much for Reading those changes, and i am looking forward on seeing you in my Site. Smile

    Male Posts : 30
    Reputation : 0
    Language : English, Greek
    Location : Greece

    Global Forums Empty Re: Global Forums

    Post by No1Eye December 20th 2009, 1:35 am

    The Global Forums Site has changes some things ( picked some Staff, Banned some Users due to violation of the Official "Global Forums" Rules & Policies ... etc - just read the new things concerning this Forum further below )

    That's the link to Global Forums --->

    That's the link to the Official "Global Forums" Rules & Policies --->

    The Special Ranks ( at this time ) --->

    Administrators: No1Eye ( Me )
    Co - Administrators: Conan
    Super Moderators: micro1000
    Forum Moderators: angeliclucero , Katty1209
    Chatbox Moderators: - None yet -
    Tech Staff: - None yet -
    Graphic Designers: - None yet -
    Reviewers: Sk9
    Former Staff: - None yet -
    VIPs: argirisman , yannis
    Quitters: cathleenlaura
    On Redeeming: - None yet -
    Temp Banned: - None yet -
    Banned: cathleenlaura , cathleenlaura2 , cathy , Laura , Reza

    The Forum Statistics ( at this time ) --->

    Our users have posted a total of 3376 messages
    We have 81 registered users
    The newest registered user is rahul

    We are still searching for some Staff though.
    The Special Ranks that need to be filled are the followings --->

    Chatbox Moderators
    Tech Staff
    Graphic Designers

    Whoever wants to offer his/her voluntarily help filling 1 of these 4 mentioned above Staff Memberships, all he/she needs to do is to Register, be a bit of Active in this Site of course, and post his/her desired Staff Membership in HERE
    Of course, first of all he/she needs to read the Staff Requirements in HERE

    Thank you very much for Reading those changes, and i am looking forward on seeing you in my Site. Smile

    Male Posts : 30
    Reputation : 0
    Language : English, Greek
    Location : Greece

    Global Forums Empty Re: Global Forums

    Post by No1Eye December 29th 2009, 7:28 am

    The Global Forums Site has changes some things, and added some new things.

    That's the link to Global Forums --->

    That's the link to the Official "Global Forums" Rules & Policies --->

    - New Rank pictures have been placed in to all of the Special Ranks.
    - New Fields have been added to all User Profiles, so they could type in the Information to some or all fields, in case they want to.
    - An Advertise Category has been added, for others to Affiliate with us and Advertise their Forumotion Forums, and to post updates about their Forums, once they have been Affiliated with us.

    The Forums/Categories are as follows ( at this time ) --->

    - Official "Global Forums" Rules & Policies

    - Advertise Category

    - Site Category
    -- Announcements & News
    -- Feedback & Suggestions
    -- Help & Support

    - Personal Category
    -- Introduce Yourselves
    -- Wishes ( Birthday, Nameday, New Year, Christmas, Easter ... etc )

    - Discussions Category
    --- Animals & Nature
    --- Arts, Graphics & Design
    --- Businesses & Occupations
    --- Computers & Technology
    --- Societies & Cultures
    --- Education & Teaching
    --- Fun & Humor
    --- Health & Shape
    --- Hobbies & Interests
    --- Media & Communications
    ----- Music
    ----- Movies
    ----- TV Shows
    ----- Cell-Phones
    --- News, Articles & Politics
    --- People & Celebrities
    --- Sports & Athletics
    --- Transportations & Vehicles
    --- Vacations & Destinations
    --- Games
    --- Others
    --- Chill Out / The Lounge

    - Tech Category
    -- Software
    -- Hardware
    -- Programming
    -- Computer Security
    -- Internet & Networking

    - Graphic Designs Category
    -- Graphic Designs Requests
    -- Graphic Designs Creations
    -- Graphic Designs Gallery

    - Reviews Category
    -- Reviews Requests
    -- Reviews Without Requests
    -- Reviews Archive

    - Contests Category
    -- Contests

    And, there are some Hidden Categories that are Accessed by the Special Ranks according to the Rank itself.

    The Special Ranks ( at this time ) --->

    Administrators: No1Eye ( Me )
    Co - Administrators: Conan
    Super Moderators: micro1000
    Forum Moderators: angeliclucero , Katty1209
    Chatbox Moderators: - None yet -
    Technicians: - None yet -
    Graphic Designers: skyter
    Reviewers: Sk9
    Former Staff: - None yet -
    VIPs: argirisman , yannis
    Quitters: cathleenlaura
    On Redeeming: - None yet -
    Temp Banned: - None yet -
    Banned: cathleenlaura , cathleenlaura2 , cathy , Laura , Reza

    The Forum Statistics ( at this time ) --->

    Our users have posted a total of 3534 messages
    We have 82 registered users
    The newest registered user is jeator

    We are still searching for some Staff though.
    The Special Ranks that need to be filled are the followings --->

    Chatbox Moderators
    Graphic Designers

    Whoever wants to offer his/her voluntarily help filling 1 of these 4 mentioned above Staff Memberships, all he/she needs to do is to Register, be a bit of Active in this Site of course, and post his/her desired Staff Membership in HERE
    Of course, first of all he/she needs to read the Staff Requirements in HERE

    Thank you very much for Reading those changes, and i am looking forward on seeing you in my Site. Smile

    Happy Holidays everyone, and a Happy New Year !!! Very Happy

    Male Posts : 30
    Reputation : 0
    Language : English, Greek
    Location : Greece

    Global Forums Empty Re: Global Forums

    Post by No1Eye January 2nd 2010, 12:53 pm

    The Global Forums Site has changes some things.

    That's the link to Global Forums --->


    - Some new things have been added to the Official "Global Forums" Rules & Policies.
    That's the link to the Official "Global Forums" Rules & Policies --->

    - An "Affiliates" Tab have been added, in order to show the Affiliations in there, when you Affiliate succesfully with us via the Advertise Category --->

    All the Affiliations are showed in the "Home Page" Tab, in the "Portal" Tab and in the "Affiliates" Tab.

    The Forums/Categories are as follows ( at this time ) --->

    - Official "Global Forums" Rules & Policies

    - Advertise Category

    - Site Category
    -- Announcements & News
    -- Feedback & Suggestions
    -- Help & Support

    - Personal Category
    -- Introduce Yourselves
    -- Wishes ( Birthday, Nameday, New Year, Christmas, Easter ... etc )

    - Discussions Category
    --- Animals & Nature
    --- Arts, Graphics & Design
    --- Businesses & Occupations
    --- Societies & Cultures
    --- Education & Teaching
    --- Fun & Humor
    --- Health & Shape
    --- Hobbies & Interests
    --- Media & Communications
    ----- Music
    ----- Movies
    ----- TV Shows
    ----- Cell-Phones
    --- News, Articles & Politics
    --- People & Celebrities
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    Post by bookmakerins August 18th 2010, 11:04 am

    Content Removed, Member Banned

      Current date/time is September 23rd 2024, 3:30 am