"Host an image" link not working Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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    "Host an image" link not working

    New Member

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    "Host an image" link not working Empty "Host an image" link not working

    Post by daf1999 November 19th 2009, 1:30 pm

    Can anyone help please?

    I have uploaded approx 10 pics to my forum this morning but all of a sudden when I click "host an image" icon all I get is an empty white box. I have cleared my cache, tried a different browser even but still no luck. Is there some kind of cap to the number of images you can upload in a certain period or something? Others on my forum have come across this issue previously and after a while it kinda resolves itself. Any ideas?


    Male Posts : 11037
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    "Host an image" link not working Empty Re: "Host an image" link not working

    Post by kirk November 19th 2009, 1:52 pm

    it may be that servimg was just down. try it again in a lil wile.
    if not you can always use a different image host untill the oproblem is worked out.