Problem w/ ranks: rank title appearing right after the image Hitskin_logo

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    Problem w/ ranks: rank title appearing right after the image


    Female Posts : 113
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    Language : Portuguese (Portugal), English, some French and a little bit of Spanish xD
    Location : Porto, Portugal

    Problem w/ ranks: rank title appearing right after the image Empty Problem w/ ranks: rank title appearing right after the image

    Post by Simgirl012 July 20th 2007, 8:51 pm

    I just edited the ranks at my forum. In my admin panel they are correctly displayed. However, in the posts of some of my members, something strange happens: the rank title appears right after the rank image! Like in the image below:
    Problem w/ ranks: rank title appearing right after the image Rankwj2
    Could someone help me solving this problem? Any help is very appreciated! Very Happy

    Thanks in advance,
    PS: The URL of my forum is