How do I put music on forum.Da say that when a registered member walks hear the music. Thanks in advance Hitskin_logo

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    How do I put music on forum.Da say that when a registered member walks hear the music. Thanks in advance

    New Member

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    How do I put music on forum.Da say that when a registered member walks hear the music. Thanks in advance Empty How do I put music on forum.Da say that when a registered member walks hear the music. Thanks in advance

    Post by janko121 Wed 9 Dec 2009 - 4:55

    How do I put music on forum.Da say that when a registered member walks hear the music.
    Thanks in advance

    Posts : 96
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    Language : ENGLISH

    How do I put music on forum.Da say that when a registered member walks hear the music. Thanks in advance Empty Re: How do I put music on forum.Da say that when a registered member walks hear the music. Thanks in advance

    Post by Lozu Wed 9 Dec 2009 - 5:27

    Yes, you can put music with your site! But, you can not make registered user only hear them unless you putting some kinda of script in your forum.
    Ask the forumotion staff, I think they might know some coding!!!

    Male Posts : 11037
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    How do I put music on forum.Da say that when a registered member walks hear the music. Thanks in advance Empty Re: How do I put music on forum.Da say that when a registered member walks hear the music. Thanks in advance

    Post by kirk Thu 10 Dec 2009 - 1:26

    well if you have your forum permissions set for only members and have a music code in a forums descrition then only the members will hear it. but every time they go to another page it will be gone.. then if you have the same song playing on the form index that can be annoying every time you click to it.

    there are many many ways to add music. everything from haveing a pop up music player to haveing an invisible one in the background of every board.

    you have to decide exactly what you are looking to do. thats the only way i would be able to help.

    here is one example for you.
    i have the radio playing in the background on every board.. but all members and guest would hear this alike.
    New Member

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    How do I put music on forum.Da say that when a registered member walks hear the music. Thanks in advance Empty Re: How do I put music on forum.Da say that when a registered member walks hear the music. Thanks in advance

    Post by hellmac Fri 11 Dec 2009 - 10:36
