[ask] Why theres no more Whos Online In my INdex page? Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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    [ask] Why theres no more Whos Online In my INdex page?

    New Member

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    [ask] Why theres no more Whos Online In my INdex page? Empty [ask] Why theres no more Whos Online In my INdex page?

    Post by syd_cool July 23rd 2007, 12:09 pm

    After I made the portal, I found that Whos online is not displayed under the Index...

    What is going wrong? Where can I set that back?
    I have already searched in My own admin CP but find nothing .. PLease HElp


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    [ask] Why theres no more Whos Online In my INdex page? Empty Re: [ask] Why theres no more Whos Online In my INdex page?

    Post by Eximma July 23rd 2007, 1:55 pm

    Hello and welcome on this forum !

    Admin Panel > [General Admin] > Hierarchy > Display viewonline information box on index : choose the box you want Wink
    New Member

    Male Posts : 2
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    [ask] Why theres no more Whos Online In my INdex page? Empty Re: [ask] Why theres no more Whos Online In my INdex page?

    Post by syd_cool July 24th 2007, 6:36 am

    thx max.. maybe I miss that Page s

    Thx alot..