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    Simple TOS question


    Male Posts : 450
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    Language : english
    Location : Some where in NY

    Simple TOS question Empty Simple TOS question

    Post by endless013 Fri 22 Jan 2010 - 7:21

    I need to know exactly what can and cannot be posted that concerns BOTH "french laws" AND "mature/ Vulgar content".

    I've ha my boards for nearing 2 years now and I was asked by my MOD team about adding an adult section to the forums, not talking porn but adult topics, birth control or things of that nature that kids dont have to be around. Also 99.99% of our members are over the age of 18, infact the 1 member that is under 18 hasen been on in so long they risk being pruned soon so keeping to a strict "pg-13" doesn't make very much sence but I don't know exactly how far we can push that until its TOS break so I want to know before I go doing anyhting...

    Also I was asked about the "french law" part in the TOS, considering Forumotion has forums world wide everyone (my self included) don't know what this part of the TOS means exaclty. I'm assuming its the same as American law in the things that can and can't be posted but I've been to france and seen the T.V which is vastly diffrent in its content so if I were to go by that then nudity would be ok and yet its not, so again I'm making sure I know whats what before I get to anything...

    Please cover as much content as possible.


    Male Posts : 48766
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    Language : English
    Location : Mumbai

    Simple TOS question Empty Re: Simple TOS question

    Post by Sanket Fri 22 Jan 2010 - 12:13

    The best person to ask this would be Typlo. So PM him.

    Male Posts : 450
    Reputation : 13
    Language : english
    Location : Some where in NY

    Simple TOS question Empty Re: Simple TOS question

    Post by endless013 Tue 26 Jan 2010 - 22:57

    pm was sent and picked up so I'm just waiting on reply

    Male Posts : 11037
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    Simple TOS question Empty Re: Simple TOS question

    Post by kirk Tue 26 Jan 2010 - 23:26

    for one thing it has nothing to do with french law it has to go by international laws.
    For what content is allowed on a public website/forum/blog etc...

    the bottom line.Is that you have to have all content as a pg 13 rating.
    if it would be inappropriate for a 13 yo. then it is content that you would not want to discus's or allow.

    So OK you are talking about teen pregnancy and so fourth. if all conversation are done maturely and is more for awareness. then this is an issue of awareness.There are some hard issues when it comes to puberty and teens.And awareness is good.But you have to know where to draw the line depending what might end up going where/too far.

    to where if you are having discussions/conversations/stories experiences that are sexually explicit and people are getting aroused plus being inappropriate for a 13 year old. then of course you would not be allowed to have content like that. it would be a form of pornography and not allowed.

    so the bottom line would be to moderate everything very carefully and don't allow anything that you feel is getting carried away.

    Because if and when someone complains. then litigation's will have to go and investigate what the complaint is about. if they feel it's all done on a mature level and for awareness, and there are nothing sexual explicit or inappropriate.. then they will not do anything.. but if it's something like discussing sexual experiences,masturbation,short stories or anything inappropriate.. then they would either give you a waning telling you to remove content.. etc.. or they will just shut it down.

    there are no real guidelines that i know of other then all content has to be appropriate for a 13 yo.. that's why i always say keep everything on a pg 13 level.

    Other then that any complaints.That is for the litigation's team to determine.
    typlo is part of the litigation's team.. i am sure he can explain more. but i am sure he will say a lot of what i said as well. if you don't get a complaint then your fine.. but if one comes in. then litigation's has to determine whether to give warning,shut the forum down. or do nothing if they feel it is in no violations.

    so hope that helps a lil.. it's hard to do things on free forums. people will complain about anything and everything just to try to get another shut down.

    i mean i used have bikini models on my forum and people would complain about that.. shiiii i had someone complain here about a sports illustrated swimsuit model as my avatar.. i told them no I'm not removing it.
    \if they don't like take it up with the admins.. they never did and i ended up changing it anyway.. i am just saying people will complain about anything.
    so you will have to keep a close eye on whats being discussed and posted
    and don't let anything get out of hand or go to far.

    but then look at all the stuff on myspace or facebook etc... people get away with all kinds of stuff everyday.. but the never get any complaints about it.. once someone reports it.. they have to kill there account.. it's public.. even if your profile is private.. there tos dose not allow any porn or strong sexual content or discussions. so once reported it's the same way forumotions litigation's would look at it.. if there's nothing wrong.. then they wont do anything.. if there is they will get warned or lose there accounts.

    but now you go and get a paid forum with a good server that allows adult content. well now you can do pretty much what you want.. but there is still laws and responsibilities you have to follow as well..

    Male Posts : 450
    Reputation : 13
    Language : english
    Location : Some where in NY

    Simple TOS question Empty Re: Simple TOS question

    Post by endless013 Wed 27 Jan 2010 - 6:00

    thank you for that, I'll re-post it for my mod team so they know whats what