Forum Variables for PMs? Hitskin_logo

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    Forum Variables for PMs?


    Posts : 81
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    Forum Variables for PMs? Empty Forum Variables for PMs?

    Post by 19CenturyWBTS February 5th 2010, 8:11 pm

    I'm sure you all know the list of the variables which you can use on this forum but I've been searching for the past 4 hours for the one that tells you if you have any new PM messages or not and was unable to find it. I'm also unsure if I'm on the right track

    I'm pretty sure it must be something in connection with the variables {USER...} but what's the rest of the thing?

    The reason I'm looking for this is that I want to change the icons for "Old PMs" and "New PMs" in my members mailboxes. Alas currently they display just the normal ones that are used for postings on the forum but I've uploaded new ones and would like those to show up (and of course change if a new message has arrived => "New PM" or if only old messages are around => "Old PM")

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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    Forum Variables for PMs? Empty Re: Forum Variables for PMs?

    Post by Sanket February 5th 2010, 9:06 pm

    Display>Pics management Advanced mode
    Change the images there.

    I don't understand the variables question.

    Posts : 81
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    Forum Variables for PMs? Empty Re: Forum Variables for PMs?

    Post by 19CenturyWBTS February 6th 2010, 1:50 am

    Sorry maybe I haven't explained well enough what I'm looking for. I was talking about what one can find under: [General => Forum -> Configuration -> Site description *] If you click on the * you'll get the following:

    Detailed help
    Here the list of the variables which you can use on this forum :

    Site Description, Homepage message, Topics, Posts, Birthday message subject, Birthday message, Newsletter, Signature, Welcome private message, You have no new messages

    FORUM :

    {FORUMURL} : (Forum Address)
    {FORUMURLINK} :  (Link)
    {FORUMNAME} :  (Forum name)
    {FORUMNAMELINK} :  (Link)
    {FORUMDESC} : (Forum Description)

     (Site Description)
    {FORUMBIRTHDAY} : (Board started)
    {FORUMAGE} : (Board up days)
    {FORUMCOUNTFORUM} : (Number of forums/categories)
    {FORUMCOUNTOPIC} : (Number of topics)
    {FORUMCOUNTPOST} : (Posts)
    {FORUMCOUNTUSER} :  (Number of users)
    {FORUMONLINEUSER} : (Most users ever online)
    {FORUMONLINEDATE} : (Most users ever online date)
    {FORUMLASTUSER} : (Latest user registered)

    USERS :

    {USERNAME} : (Username)
    {USERLINK} : (View user profile)
    {USERBIRTHDAY} : (Birthday)
    {USERAGE} : (Age)
    {USERREGDATE} : (Joined)
    {USERLASTVISIT} : (Last visit)
    {USERCOUNTPOST} : (Total posts)
    N.B. : In connection with the variables {USER...}: they will each time concern the user who reads them except at the time of sending of an email where the posted values will be those of the shipper.

    So I wanted to know if there are more of these variables between the braces that are not listed as is indicated by the first lines "Here the list of the variables which you can use on this forum : Site Description, Homepage message, Topics, Posts, Birthday message subject, Birthday message, Newsletter, Signature, Welcome private message, You have no new messages"

    I'm looking for the variable connected with Private Messages (either new or no new ones). The reason for this is twofold: As far as I have been able to uncover in the "privmsgs_body" Templates (dealing with the Private messages list on my forum) there are those two red marked Variables that do link a set of images (one that shows when there is a new private message and one that is displayed when there is no new private message)


    <td class="{listrow.ROW_CLASS}" align="center" valign="middle"><img title="{listrow.L_PRIVMSG_FOLDER_ALT}" src="{listrow.PRIVMSG_FOLDER_IMG}" alt="{listrow.L_PRIVMSG_FOLDER_ALT}"></td>
    <td class="{listrow.ROW_CLASS}" align="center" valign="middle">{listrow.PRIVMSG_ICON}</td>


    So far so good. But now I have put in two new images since these variables seem to link to the images for forum postings and not the one I put in under [Pictures and Colors -> Pics management -> Advanced Mode] for "Private Messages" and "New Private Messages".


    The second problem is the Navigation Bar (I'm using the display Icon + Text option there) and the again the "You have no new messages" part of it. Since I changed the icons as I said above it now display the new icons (that chance if you have new messages or have no new messages) but the icon (although it has a size of about 30x30 pixels is tiny and I have found no part of code anywhere to be able to change this. Now if I switch from the display Icon + Text option the new icon shows it's normal size but with text it's tiny (and changing the font size for that text doesn't increase the icons). Maybe I'm missing something here?

    Anyway I'm at a loss and would appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction or maybe offer a solution. Thank you.

    (I'll try to make a few screenshots so to give you a better idea what I'm talking about)

    Male Posts : 22186
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    Forum Variables for PMs? Empty Re: Forum Variables for PMs?

    Post by MrMario February 6th 2010, 5:57 am


    Posts : 81
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    Forum Variables for PMs? Empty Re: Forum Variables for PMs?

    Post by 19CenturyWBTS February 6th 2010, 1:44 pm

    Thx for the effort MrMario but if you check what is written in the Code Area you will notice that it is exactly the same list of variables posted in the link you provided.

    My thought was that there is this function or variable: {GENERATED_NAV_BAR} that can be found in the overall_header_new Template and that must be in charge of generating the navigation bar with it's different entries. So where can I find the code pieces that stand behind this {GENERATED_NAV_BAR} thingy so I can utilize and change them. Or maybe what I'm asking isn't possible?

    Posts : 81
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    Forum Variables for PMs? Empty Re: Forum Variables for PMs?

    Post by 19CenturyWBTS February 6th 2010, 2:29 pm

    Maybe it's easier to get across what the problem is with those screenshots:

    The first one shows the two new images I made for Private Messages:Forum Variables for PMs? Sc3v

    Now if you check the Header and Navigation Settings it shows that Image + Text will be visible:Forum Variables for PMs? Sc2y
    You can see that the new image shows but is compressed and very tiny compared to the others (but I still haven't found out how to let it show up bigger).Forum Variables for PMs? Sc1

    Now if you change the settings in the Header and Navigation Area ti dusplay only the Image:Forum Variables for PMs? Sc6changed
    This is the result: The new image shows up in it's original size as do the other imagesForum Variables for PMs? Sc7changed

    Question: "Is there a way to set the overall size of the images in the navigation bar menu if you want it to display text and images? If yes then where and how can one do it?"


    And the second thing is this is how the PM mailbox currently looks - you will notice that the icon on the left is not the new one displaying the litte letter symbol but the ones used for category,forum and subject:Forum Variables for PMs? Sc4s
    I was able to identify the following code (the highlighted part in the image) that can be found in the privmsgs_body Template that seems to be responsible for the display of the icons showing up on the left of every message:Forum Variables for PMs? Sc5t

    Question: "Is there a way to set things that it takes the new custom icons uploaded as shown in the first picture? So they change if the message has been read or is still unread."

    As I have stated in the previous posting there is the line of code {GENERATED_NAV_BAR} that can be found in the overall_header_new Template and that must be in charge of generating the navigation bar with it's different entries - now if one could isolate the part that generates the "You have no new message"/"You have X new messages" part it could be copied pasted to make it show up in the mailbox area but as I have said I have no clue how and where.

    I hope I have been able to get things across this time - should something be still unclear don't hesitate to say so and I'll give it another try to explain.

    Posts : 81
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    Language : English

    Forum Variables for PMs? Empty Re: Forum Variables for PMs?

    Post by 19CenturyWBTS February 8th 2010, 1:45 pm

    OK I've figured out a few things and I think I'm on the right track to solving the problems (though it still might take me a fair while since I'm far from being an IT pro) - in case anyone of you ladies and gentlemen are searching for similar answers I recommend that you check out since there you will find a lot of answers.

    It was there where I found the following list of Style Template Variables used by most phpbb forums (while I'm sure it's not a complete list it still is a good start and adds to the one already available round here that you can find if you check my second posting in this thread):








    I'll keep you posted in case I have solved the problems and things are working so I'm able to provide you with a solution.

    Male Posts : 6113
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    Forum Variables for PMs? Empty Re: Forum Variables for PMs?

    Post by Jalokim February 8th 2010, 1:54 pm

    just taking variables from phpbb won't solve your problem seeing as forumotion has its own set variables...
    for example your
    {site_logo_img} in forumotion is only {logo}

    and other variables may not apply.

    If you only want to make your pm icons in the nav bar bigger
    all you do is go to your css
    go to the end hit enter and type this:
    #i_icon_mini_message {
    width: 50px;
    height: 50px;
    #i_icon_mini_new_message {
    width: 50px;
    height: 50px;}

    obviously you type in your image sizes not 50px x 50px.

    Posts : 81
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    Language : English

    Forum Variables for PMs? Empty Re: Forum Variables for PMs?

    Post by 19CenturyWBTS February 9th 2010, 12:13 am

    Thank you very much Jalokim! Your answer was a huge help indeed and solved one of the two problems I had.

    With the info you provided I was able to ID the other images and the corresponding variables leading to them so one could change it in the CSS Stylesheet. I'll post them here in case someone is also looking for them (they are already in the CSS format and can be copy pasted in case you need them - as Jalokim already said you can change the width and height of the images anyway you need them):

    #i_icon_mini_message {
    width: 22px;
    height: 22px;
    #i_icon_mini_new_message {
    width: 22px;
    height: 22px;
    #i_icon_mini_search {
    width: 22px;
    height: 22px;
    #i_icon_mini_index {
    width: 22px;
    height: 22px;
    #i_icon_mini_faq {
    width: 22px;
    height: 22px;
    #i_icon_mini_groups {
    width: 22px;
    height: 22px;
    #i_icon_mini_members {
    width: 22px;
    height: 22px;
    #i_icon_mini_profile {
    width: 22px;
    height: 22px;
    #i_icon_mini_logout {
    width: 22px;
    height: 22px;
    #i_icon_mini_login {
    width: 22px;
    height: 22px;
    #i_icon_mini_register {
    width: 22px;
    height: 22px;
    #i_icon_mini_gallery {
    width: 22px;
    height: 22px;

    So after having the Navigation Bar Icon Problem solved there is just the second problem left to do.