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    Forum still active?

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    Forum still active? Empty Forum still active?

    Post by MasterKirov March 16th 2010, 10:13 pm


    After removing a previous forum many months ago, I decide to create another. Alas, the forumotion software says that a forum has already been created using my Email! I'm not sure what might have happened.


    Male Posts : 22186
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    Forum still active? Empty Re: Forum still active?

    Post by MrMario March 16th 2010, 10:29 pm

    You need to delete the other forum that is with the email and then once its gone you are able to create a new one.

    Male Posts : 11037
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    Forum still active? Empty Re: Forum still active?

    Post by kirk March 16th 2010, 10:41 pm

    actually it doesn't matter. once you use a email address for a forum creation you can never use that email again for another forum creation even if the forum was deleted. you have to create a new email to create a new forum.

    it's one forum per email address. so even know you deleted the forum you still used it for that forum and it's in forumotions data base as a email address that was used already.
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    Forum still active? Empty Re: Forum still active?

    Post by MasterKirov March 16th 2010, 10:56 pm

    kirk wrote:actually it doesn't matter. once you use a email address for a forum creation you can never use that email again for another forum creation even if the forum was deleted. you have to create a new email to create a new forum.

    it's one forum per email address. so even know you deleted the forum you still used it for that forum and it's in forumotions data base as a email address that was used already.

    Well that sucks. I take it this was new policy?

    Male Posts : 11037
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    Forum still active? Empty Re: Forum still active?

    Post by kirk March 16th 2010, 11:14 pm

    NO it was always like that.
    you can only have one forum per email. and once the email is used it's in forumotions data base so someone can not create another forum with the same email address.

    if that was the case you would have people creating 10 forums with one email and if every one did this that has a forum,.well forumotion would have to have a lot of servers to keep keep up with all that data... lol Rolling Eyes

    Male Posts : 22186
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    Forum still active? Empty Re: Forum still active?

    Post by MrMario March 16th 2010, 11:17 pm

    Once you delete the forum you are allowed to use it again. I think there is a limit to where you can use it again. Could be 3 months as deleted forums stay in the database that long and then after its gone. Once that is gone you are allowed.

    Male Posts : 11037
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    Forum still active? Empty Re: Forum still active?

    Post by kirk March 16th 2010, 11:22 pm

    [quote=\"MrMario\"]Once you delete the forum you are allowed to use it again. I think there is a limit to where you can use it again. Could be 3 months as deleted forums stay in the database that long and then after its gone. Once that is gone you are allowed.[/quote]

    to use the same email that was already used in a forums creation?
    because i have had a couple forum that i have deleted before and tried to use the email to create another one and it said that the email was used already.

    let me try real fast.. i have a forum that was gone for at least two years with this one email i am about to test it with. it\'s the same email that was used in the forums first creation but now the forum has been deleted for about two years..


    info added

    oh oh my bad.. i tried that before and it never let me. i guess i dint wait long enough
    so if you are trying to create another forum that is no deleted with the same email address you will just have to give it time before you can use the email again.

    i would think it\'s more like 6 months but i was already wrong so we\'ll listen to mario Smile


    my bad

    Last edited by kirk on March 16th 2010, 11:31 pm; edited 2 times in total
    New Member

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    Forum still active? Empty Re: Forum still active?

    Post by MasterKirov March 16th 2010, 11:26 pm

    MrMario wrote:Once you delete the forum you are allowed to use it again. I think there is a limit to where you can use it again. Could be 3 months as deleted forums stay in the database that long and then after its gone. Once that is gone you are allowed.

    I was thinking this as well, I've reused old addresses and they were fine before now.

    EDIT - I see. Well, I guess I'm waiting then. Thank you, both of you for your time.

    Male Posts : 11037
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    Forum still active? Empty Re: Forum still active?

    Post by kirk March 17th 2010, 10:29 am

    or just create another email address just for the new forum if you dont want to wait. Smile