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2 posters

    remove moderators from home page


    Female Posts : 2804
    Reputation : 93
    Language : scotch och aye!
    Location : Whats harder than a rock?!

    remove moderators from home page Empty remove moderators from home page

    Post by zinex August 23rd 2007, 10:44 am

    Is it possible to remove the part that looks like this: Moderators: such and such in the forum descriptions? Its just it appears directly above the sub forums and i think it looks untidy and also ,makes it harder to see the sub forums. thanks.

    Male Posts : 8969
    Reputation : 342
    Language : English, French & Female
    Location : You can't fly like the phenix

    remove moderators from home page Empty Re: remove moderators from home page

    Post by Caihlem August 23rd 2007, 11:07 am

    You ca't remove this unless you make the mod group invisible, in which case members can't know who the mods are Confused

    Female Posts : 2804
    Reputation : 93
    Language : scotch och aye!
    Location : Whats harder than a rock?!

    remove moderators from home page Empty Re: remove moderators from home page

    Post by zinex August 23rd 2007, 11:14 am

    okay thank you. Is there any way to insert a line break between the mod list and the subforums? or have the subforums appear above the mod list?

    Male Posts : 8969
    Reputation : 342
    Language : English, French & Female
    Location : You can't fly like the phenix

    remove moderators from home page Empty Re: remove moderators from home page

    Post by Caihlem August 23rd 2007, 11:20 am

    Not that I know of Wink

    Female Posts : 2804
    Reputation : 93
    Language : scotch och aye!
    Location : Whats harder than a rock?!

    remove moderators from home page Empty Re: remove moderators from home page

    Post by zinex August 23rd 2007, 11:48 am

    well would this work do you think?

    using html i could make the forum description so it would be:

    Sub forums: <a href="url to subforum"><b>name of sub forum<b></a> and then add some line breaks?