Extended chatbox Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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3 posters

    Extended chatbox


    Extended Chatbox?

    [ 6 ]
    Extended chatbox Bar_left86%Extended chatbox Bar_right [86%] 
    [ 1 ]
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    [ 0 ]
    Extended chatbox Bar_left0%Extended chatbox Bar_right [0%] 

    Total Votes: 7
    Poll closed

    Female Posts : 250
    Reputation : -1
    Language : Dutch, english, german and a little bit french, guitar chords, html, a bit CSS
    Location : Maastricht (Holland)

    Extended chatbox Empty Extended chatbox

    Post by Kiekeboe April 17th 2010, 12:16 pm

    Some features i'd like to see added to the chatbox:

    *Sound if someone posts
    *Button to disable the first feature
    *Option to create a private-room with a other member of the forum, and a button to invite him/her.
    *Automatic resize for (big) pictures posted in the chat!


    Male Posts : 632
    Reputation : -3
    Language : Online
    Location : Error 403 - You do not have the permission to view this item's value

    Extended chatbox Empty Re: Extended chatbox

    Post by Dumbledore27 May 15th 2010, 5:27 pm

    Voting yes. Wink Smile

    Male Posts : 17924
    Reputation : 836
    Language : English
    Location : Somewhere

    Extended chatbox Empty Re: Extended chatbox

    Post by Jophy April 19th 2013, 5:38 pm

    Extended chatbox Permis10 Suggestion Clean up

    -> Old suggestions(Please feel to create a new thread for the garbaged old suggestions)
    -> Implemented suggestions
    -> Suggestions which are currently suggested (Please use the SEARCH function)
    -> Suggestions which are already possible
    -> Unclear Suggestions

    => Please read the guidelines for the suggestion section: https://help.forumotion.com/t93899-suggestions-for-your-forums-how-to
    => Please take a look on the frequently suggested features for your forums:

    Locked & Garbaged

    Extended chatbox Modera10Jophy