Forum width and user titles Hitskin_logo

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    Forum width and user titles

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    Forum width and user titles Empty Forum width and user titles

    Post by Darkiow June 5th 2010, 2:37 pm

    Hello forumotioners i just finished my forum and im new here.. I would like you to tell me if its possible how to enlarge the forums width becasyse its too small take a look:

    and the other thing i want to ask is if i users can have group titles.. Like if a user enters the VIP group then he must have a text under his name saying VIP in purple. Is this possible?

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    Forum width and user titles Empty Re: Forum width and user titles

    Post by KingOfSports June 5th 2010, 4:03 pm

    For your second question, go to your admin panel. Click Users and groups then Ranks Administration.