Problem with messages, new messages button in nav bar Hitskin_logo

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    Problem with messages, new messages button in nav bar

    New Member

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    Solved Problem with messages, new messages button in nav bar

    Post by Zod June 9th 2010, 03:33

    I am using the Lost Universe template as the main template. I changed out the navigation buttons with another template that had a full set of buttons. These included the "messages" and "new messages" buttons. I put the URL for these buttons in the location to replace the original template buttons. With the old template, when you received a private message, the PM button changed to the new PM button. After changing to the buttons from the other template, the "new messages" button does not show up when a new PM arrives.

    You have no new messages menu item shows both buttons URLs.

    Can you steer me to a solution?


    Male Posts : 22186
    Reputation : 1839
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    Solved Re: Problem with messages, new messages button in nav bar

    Post by MrMario June 9th 2010, 04:01

    Problem with messages, new messages button in nav bar Help-and-support

    To be sure I understand what you are asking. You are editing the navigation buttons in the pic management? and when you changed the new message icon it doesn't show up when you get a new message?

    New Member

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    Solved Yes.

    Post by Zod June 9th 2010, 23:22

    New Member

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    Solved Re: Problem with messages, new messages button in nav bar

    Post by Zod June 9th 2010, 23:26

    Okay, now it is working. I have no idea why. I did nothing. I sent myself a message and it did not change state. Someone else sent me a message and lo' and behold! it changed.


    Male Posts : 22186
    Reputation : 1839
    Language : test

    Solved Re: Problem with messages, new messages button in nav bar

    Post by MrMario June 9th 2010, 23:35

    Problem with messages, new messages button in nav bar Warnin11Please don't double post unless it’s been 24 hours from your last post.

    Problem with messages, new messages button in nav bar Solved10Solved => Locked