IE turn off when I try to go my forum Hitskin_logo

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    IE turn off when I try to go my forum

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    IE turn off when I try to go my forum Empty IE turn off when I try to go my forum

    Post by Nukkemestari Wed Jun 09 2010, 10:49

    I have big problem. Two days ago I make forum ( and it work right. The next day, when I try to go my foorum, IE closed itself.

    I can go to the my forum other browser, but I really want know why IE turn off when I try to go my forum.

    Male Posts : 2973
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    IE turn off when I try to go my forum Empty Re: IE turn off when I try to go my forum

    Post by Matei Wed Jun 09 2010, 11:35

    Because the IE it's not really god for showing forum's or run. Change you're browser with Mozilla or Chrome and you will not have such problems Smile.