Category: RPG
Title: Pokemon Denko
Adress: Is Here
Language: English
Description: The first forum I made, I have put a lot of work into it and I hope many people like it and register. It is a Pokemon RPG based on the nintendo pokemon mystery dungeon when you become the pokemon. It has a good character sheet for RPG and you may befriend wild pokemon.
Users: It currently has 44 users
Posts: It currently has 492 posts
Review: It has been reveiwed and the link to the reveiw is Here
Title: Pokemon Denko
Adress: Is Here
Language: English
Description: The first forum I made, I have put a lot of work into it and I hope many people like it and register. It is a Pokemon RPG based on the nintendo pokemon mystery dungeon when you become the pokemon. It has a good character sheet for RPG and you may befriend wild pokemon.
Users: It currently has 44 users
Posts: It currently has 492 posts
Review: It has been reveiwed and the link to the reveiw is Here