Old Themes? Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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4 posters

    Old Themes?


    Male Posts : 104
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    Old Themes? Empty Old Themes?

    Post by FunkFun July 4th 2010, 6:18 am

    My forum is acting up. Whenever someone clicks on the banner, old themes pop up, which i have deleted a long time ago. It's getting pretty annoying. Any help is appreciated!
    Gramagamus Online
    Gramagamus Online

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    Old Themes? Empty Re: Old Themes?

    Post by Gramagamus Online July 4th 2010, 7:25 am

    Can I have a screenshot of the theme before and after the change? I've clicked the banner (I presumed you meant the logo at the top) and nothing happened.

    Male Posts : 11853
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    Old Themes? Empty Re: Old Themes?

    Post by Darren1 July 4th 2010, 7:55 am


    I too have clicked the banner several times and couldn't reproduce.
    It is to my opinion that the user maybe using extremely outdated web browsers, Such as IE5.
    I suggest that you ask whom is experiencing this issue to confirm s/he is using a modern web browser such as FireFox 3.6.6 or Google Chrome.
    If the issue continues to persist;
    Ask them to clear the cache and cookies of the specified browser.

    Also, have you recently attempted to use temporary themes or make a style (theme) switcher?
    New Member

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    Old Themes? Empty Re: Old Themes?

    Post by blamenikki July 4th 2010, 11:16 am

    I did it normal way and it worked, weird.