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2 posters


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    Translator Empty Translator

    Post by AnimeGoddess900 August 26th 2010, 7:58 pm

    Well one of my members had pointed me out one little error that happened after i installed a Translator to my forum as a widget.

    I used Translator tutorial and followed each step.

    The error that is happening is whenever a member translates to their own language the board boots them off and when they log back again it's on the forum default and not the language they want it translated.

    Can anyone help me with this little error that i am having since i think the translator is a real handy option in case members who join has not gotten English as their first language.


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    Translator Empty Re: Translator

    Post by Jophy August 27th 2010, 3:02 am

    Please suggest them to clear their cache:

    Or to you use browsers like Firefox or Google Chrome.