Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place


    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Empty Locking the post-body and profile-post in place

    Post by Guest Tue 31 Aug 2010 - 9:20

    I have this code set on my CSS

    .postprofile {
    width : 206px;

    .postbody {
    width : 81%;

    When I manually re-size my browser, the post body isn't locked in place, the body-text of the post starts to over-lap the profile-post area when the browser width is re-sized to a 4:3 standard size. It displays perfectly on 16:9 but for people with standard square monitors, this may be a problem. When u manually re-size your browser on forumotion, notice how the body-text never at any point over-laps the profile-post area.

    How can I lock these in place? Please help!

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Empty Re: Locking the post-body and profile-post in place

    Post by Guest Wed 1 Sep 2010 - 18:35

    Bump... I need help with this! it is a coding problem

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Empty Re: Locking the post-body and profile-post in place

    Post by Guest Sat 9 Oct 2010 - 4:53

    Bump... somebody help me with this please... i took some screen shots of what i meant
    so this is how the forum looks when its normal, on a wide screen monitor:

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Profilebodynormal

    and this is how it looks when the monitor is standard 4:9 or when the width of the browser is shrunk thinner:

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Profilebodyabnormal

    The profile body drops down under the post body.. that imagine that says "electronic" is my signature.. to show that the profile body drops...

    somebody please help me fix this coding problem!! =[

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Empty Re: Locking the post-body and profile-post in place

    Post by Guest Sun 10 Oct 2010 - 3:08

    bump!!!!!!!!!! wth i been waiting since august for someone to help me and not even 1 comment was left in here... >=o

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Empty Re: Locking the post-body and profile-post in place

    Post by Guest Sun 10 Oct 2010 - 21:58

    Here are some better images to show what I am talking about.....

    This is how my forum looks on a widescreen BEFORE the browser window width is resized thinner..

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Before10

    This is an image of AFTER I resize the browsers window, making it thinner, you will notice how the POST BODY moves to the left and pushes my POST PROFILE below the post body.. It DOESNT seem to be locked in place when resizing the browsers window...

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place After_10

    This image, you can see the entire post to see exactly what I am talking about.......

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place After_11

    Notice how AFTER I resize the window my avatar and all that information (PROFILE POST) ends up moving out of place to the bottom, making it literally below the POST itself! This is how my forum is being viewed for people with small box screens, even on my iPod Touch it looks messed up like this.... This is what I been needing help with!! Can somebody please help me with this!!??!!??

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Empty Re: Locking the post-body and profile-post in place

    Post by Guest Wed 13 Oct 2010 - 19:05

    Is your forum version phpbb2? if yes, can i see the Viewtopic_body template code? (:

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Empty Re: Locking the post-body and profile-post in place

    Post by Guest Wed 13 Oct 2010 - 19:47

    Gangstar15 wrote:Is your forum version phpbb2? if yes, can i see the Viewtopic_body template code? (:

    Finally an attempt of someone helping me! No Gangstar. I have phpbb3. this only becomes a problem when i use this code:

    .postprofile {
    width : 193px;

    .postbody {
    width : 80%;

    Without this code the space between the post profile and post body are too wide, so I have to use this code to make it look better, however when i use it, thats when i get the problem!

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Empty Re: Locking the post-body and profile-post in place

    Post by Guest Wed 13 Oct 2010 - 19:54

    Waha okay (: what about if you change the forum width? (:

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Empty Re: Locking the post-body and profile-post in place

    Post by Guest Wed 13 Oct 2010 - 20:22

    Gangstar15 wrote:Waha okay (: what about if you change the forum width? (:

    my forum width is at 91% i want to keep it that width because its perfect for everything else on my forum, however when i shrink the width of the browsers window itself thats when the problem occurs, im thinking its something with the margin or something idk

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Empty Re: Locking the post-body and profile-post in place

    Post by Guest Wed 13 Oct 2010 - 20:27

    Well, i used your code for my forum and it works fine (:..
    and i can see that there is nothing with your forum (:
    is this problem in all topics? (:

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Empty Re: Locking the post-body and profile-post in place

    Post by Guest Wed 13 Oct 2010 - 20:34

    Gangstar15 wrote:Well, i used your code for my forum and it works fine (:..
    and i can see that there is nothing with your forum (:
    is this problem in all topics? (:

    go to this topic for example: http://www.the-en.com/rules-f18/rules-of-this-forum-click-here-t6.htm

    now click the "Restore Down" button on your browser, start to drag the width of your browser thinner and you will notice the post body getting closer to the avatar until the avatar (post profile) drops down

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Empty Re: Locking the post-body and profile-post in place

    Post by Guest Wed 13 Oct 2010 - 20:38

    Orh really, right right (:

    Replace your code with this:


    .postprofile {
    width : 20%;

    .postbody {
    width : 80%;

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Empty Re: Locking the post-body and profile-post in place

    Post by Guest Wed 13 Oct 2010 - 20:49

    Gangstar15 wrote:Orh really, right right (:

    Replace your code with this:


    .postprofile {
    width : 20%;

    .postbody {
    width : 80%;

    That doesn't work, I've tried that before, it actually makes the avatar drop without resizing the width of your browser. I noticed that when i use % on my "postprofile" the border line ends up over lapping some of the content inside the "postprofile" when the browser is resized. Thats why i use "px" instead.

    Maybe its the margin that needs to be changed or somehow locked in place? im not sure

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Empty Re: Locking the post-body and profile-post in place

    Post by Guest Wed 13 Oct 2010 - 21:21

    I will try my best (: or maybe Rono or Anki will look at this (: hope that

    Edit: try add only this :


    .postprofile {
    width : 20%;

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Empty Re: Locking the post-body and profile-post in place

    Post by Guest Wed 13 Oct 2010 - 22:12

    Gangstar15 wrote:I will try my best (: or maybe Rono or Anki will look at this (: hope that

    Edit: try add only this :


    .postprofile {
    width : 20%;

    That prevents the avatar (post profile) from dropping yes, but as i mentioned above, what that does is make the border over lap some of the content on the "post profile" when the browsers width is resized thinner, go back to that rules link i gave you for my site, and try resizing it again so you can see what i mean, im going to leave that code on so u can see what i mean

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Empty Re: Locking the post-body and profile-post in place

    Post by Guest Wed 13 Oct 2010 - 22:23

    Add this:

    .postprofile {
       width: 22% !important;

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Empty Re: Locking the post-body and profile-post in place

    Post by Guest Wed 13 Oct 2010 - 22:32

    Gangstar15 wrote:Add this:

    .postprofile {
       width: 22% !important;
    Thats to wide.. i want my post profile to be exactly 193px so i put this code:
    .postprofile {
       width: 193px !important;
    However, take a look at the forum again. Theres a really wide grab between the "post profile" border and the "post body". -__-
    idk why it's doing this! ugh..

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Empty Re: Locking the post-body and profile-post in place

    Post by Guest Wed 13 Oct 2010 - 22:35

    The problem is there again, please use percents instead of px (:

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Empty Re: Locking the post-body and profile-post in place

    Post by Guest Wed 13 Oct 2010 - 22:45

    Gangstar15 wrote:The problem is there again, please use percents instead of px (:

    When I use % the border either is to wide and doesnt look right or the border over laps my content on the "profile post" !!!!!!!

    take a look at that post again but with the side widgets hidden (click the arrow button just like on forumotion) and you will see that it looks too wide, theres just a big empty space there that i do not want and it doesnt seem to lock it in place when i put it how i want it!!

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Empty Re: Locking the post-body and profile-post in place

    Post by Guest Wed 13 Oct 2010 - 23:02

    Why you are so angry buddy.. i can't see any problem with the forum (:
    Then sorry i can't help you :/

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Empty Re: Locking the post-body and profile-post in place

    Post by Guest Wed 13 Oct 2010 - 23:13

    Gangstar15 wrote:Why you are so angry buddy.. i can't see any problem with the forum (:
    Then sorry i can't help you Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Ohwell

    its not u, I'm just very particular on how I want my forum to look and I can't seem to get around this problem.. I just want my forums "profile post" and "post body" to be close to each other with a small gab between the two. I don't like it when there's like 2 inches of space between the two and it just looks really empty in that one spot. I fixed that problem by making them closer (adding that width code to the CSS) but then came across this other weird problem with the avatar (profile post) dropping if the page width is too thin. Maybe i need tech support or something. =\ this problem is so annoying

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Empty Re: Locking the post-body and profile-post in place

    Post by Guest Wed 13 Oct 2010 - 23:20


    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Empty Re: Locking the post-body and profile-post in place

    Post by Guest Sun 31 Oct 2010 - 22:42

    bump, i still need help with this!!! members are complaining.............

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Empty Re: Locking the post-body and profile-post in place

    Post by Guest Mon 1 Nov 2010 - 2:08

    Your members are going to complain until you stop trying to use a fixed width on the post profile and a fluid width on the post body. Use the default 76% for .postbody and 22% for .postprofile, and everything should display properly. If you don't like what the resulting display looks like, then get rid of the widgets, and you could change those numbers to 80% for .postbody and 18% for .postprofile.

    I also suggest that you remove the width:1250px rule from the #wrap CSS selector. Anyone with a screen width of less than 1320px will have to scroll right/left to see your display. Let the forum software calculate the proper screen width!

    It comes down to a simple fact: your perfect solution isn't possible through CSS. You need advanced javascript and some out-of-the-box thinking to have a fixed-width post profile and a fluid-width post body in phpBB3. (It's easy to do this with CSS on an Invision board, and template editing makes it easy to do on phpBB2 and PunBB boards.)

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Empty Re: Locking the post-body and profile-post in place

    Post by Guest Mon 1 Nov 2010 - 4:52

    Thanks for your input Dion. I just recently switched my page width to 1250px because it seems to have been the only thing that fixed my problem. Originally i have my page width at 91% which worked great however the width is a serious problem.

    If i leave the post profile and body post width to default it will look too wide... and it doesnt look right... i can't understand why i cant just get my page to look the way i want it to look without all the BS to it.

    Dion, do you have any suggestions for me in terms of the javascript i should be using in my CSS to help fix this issue? Any help is much appreciated!

    Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Empty Re: Locking the post-body and profile-post in place

    Post by Guest Thu 4 Nov 2010 - 15:13

    Just to make something clear my page is 91% wide.
    A 22% .postprofile width is TOO WIDE. It does NOT display properly and if I did remove the widgets on the side it will look even wider. My .postprofile is also on the left side of the page compared to forumotions right side of the page. Perhaps this is also a contributing factor in why it looks the way it does?

    In any case, can anyone recommend another forum or site that may have good coders that can help me with this matter since nobody on this forum (not including the ones in this topic who attempted to help me) seems to be able to understand my problem at hand, no matter how much I break it down and take screen shots of everything. I've been on this issue for months with no solution and it's getting ridiculous. Unless this problem is a forumotion thing with phpBB3 only, then would that mean I need tech support..? Shocked Locking the post-body and profile-post in place Ohwell