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2 posters

    Can not post in General Discussion!


    Male Posts : 158
    Reputation : 0
    Language : Danish, English (But not so good)

    Can not post in General Discussion! Empty Can not post in General Discussion!

    Post by Yuatato September 12th 2010, 1:53 pm

    The general discussion is open for all, isn't it? Because it's not open for me.. It says "Only users granted special acces can post topics in this forum." Why can I not post they? Please answer!

    Male Posts : 158
    Reputation : 0
    Language : Danish, English (But not so good)

    Can not post in General Discussion! Empty Re: Can not post in General Discussion!

    Post by Yuatato September 12th 2010, 2:00 pm

    Could I please get an answer?? Sriusly, Sanket it's online hi allways answer quistions so come on!

    Male Posts : 48766
    Reputation : 2830
    Language : English
    Location : Mumbai

    Can not post in General Discussion! Empty Re: Can not post in General Discussion!

    Post by Sanket September 12th 2010, 2:03 pm

    You have been warned so many times for double posting, but i think you just don't want to follow any rules.

    Sorry, but you receive your final warning for double posting, which turns into a ban.

    Thread Garbaged.