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Hide usernames in post

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Solved Hide usernames in post

Post by mrbeartoy September 15th 2010, 10:08 pm

Application: I need to make an organizational forum, where in one category any members can see the content of the the category BUT cannot see who posted what.

This is for an Art Show event going on in my campus. The user basically submits their number of visual media to the forum, and members+guests can see their work but not who submitted them. I only want Moderators & Admins to be able to see the author of the post.

I already have created a forum with forumotion once before, but if someone can suggest how I could reverse the privaledges/rights of the common member to not be able to view the post user, & still be able to view the post, it would be kindly appreciated.

Thank you for any replies to the thread Smile
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Solved Re: Hide usernames in post

Post by kirk September 15th 2010, 10:17 pm

there is no way to prevent other members seeing others post unless you have the forums permissions set for any groups or individual members.

So what you should do is have everyone submit to staff or admin. then have the post it in a thread or single post so no one will know who it is from only that it was posted by a staff member.. then just be sure to keep record of the post so you know who submitted the work.. you can always have the staff member quote the pm then place on a staff board.

But that's like the only way to do it.. there is no way of preventing using names from others for things hat have been posted.. unless you have had different permissions set for different forums.. but all who has permissions for the other forums would still see who is posting what.

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Solved Re: Hide usernames in post

Post by mrbeartoy September 15th 2010, 10:30 pm

Although I see where you are coming from, that will not work.

For example:
If kirk submits a single post/thread & that post gets revamped/moved to another sector, no matter where it is even though members will see the purple color signifying a staff, they will see kirk's name on the post as the author.

No matter which staff quotes it, it will say staff A quotes off kirk or staff A quotes off unanimousB that has their name erased within code modification.

Menz. Well hey do you know of the loop code to do that in a phpbb template? I'm not too familiar with php but I love making loops.

I know that
<p>This post was written by <?php the_author(); ?></p>
shows the author's name publicly and that
<?php $author = get_the_author(); ?>
grabs the value in the user's Display name publicly as field.
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Solved Re: Hide usernames in post

Post by kirk September 15th 2010, 10:46 pm

no your not going to quote the pm and post that on the board for members to see. your staff can post that on a staff board only so you are able to keep track of who submited what pm.

So it would have to happen something like this

Your members pm staff what they want to submit.. the staff copies it and post on the forum in the appropriate section you want it in... so now the content is posted by staff so no one knows who originally submitted the content. (accept staff)

Now your staff can go back,quote the pm and post that on a staff board only for staff to see. so you can keep track of who submitted what Smile

This is the only way i can suggest you doing what your asking because there is no way to set the permissions to hide a user name of a post being submitted.. even if you have permissions set for certain groups.. everyone that has the permissions will still see who and what others are posting.

So the only way you can do something like this is what i suggested.
Or you can have a board open for guest to post in as a guest.. but then your staff wont know who it is because it will be appearing as a guest. but they can always run ip and see what member the guest post has came from... but your best bet would be to do it how i suggested or just come up with something else all together.. there is just no you can do what your asking.

As far as this code thing your asking can you explain more.. i don't know what you mean or what it's supposed to do? Sad

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Solved Re: Hide usernames in post

Post by mrbeartoy September 15th 2010, 11:03 pm

Since I have a limited time on this computer, I'll just hit the highlights:

<p>This post was written by <?php the_author(); ?></p>

Is found within any php incorporated site. This code is what allows (B) in Figure Ex1 to show.

However lets say you want it to pass "by kirk Today at 8:46pm" as an a specific parameter by putting a value parameter or reference parameter into the field(_).

Depending on what you want to do, you could create a function parameter that either gives it a specific function value or you could change the address of it's string.

<?php $author = get_the_author(); ?>
Presents the author's name publically. So lets say that kirk is your forum private user name and that your public name is StarTrekker. Instead of saying by kirk Today, it will say by StarTrekker IF and only IF your forum has the private/public name feature.

Figure Ex1:
Re: Hide usernames in post
by kirk Today at 8:46 pm <----- (B)


PS: Sorry if I confused you in any bit. groar
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Solved Re: Hide usernames in post

Post by kirk September 15th 2010, 11:10 pm

Forumotion dose not have a public,or private user name option/feature.
i guess you are saying it's from a php forum.. some php coding might work on phpbb but it depends what it is.
But i cant see the code above working because we do not have the option to make a user name private or public.

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Solved Re: Hide usernames in post

Post by mrbeartoy September 15th 2010, 11:15 pm

Going back to this
<p>This post was written by <?php the_author(); ?></p>

If I were to pass a reference parameter loop to change the author's name within the post to something like contestant_1 , would forumotion allow me to do that?

Meaning is there a way I could split the general code settings for posts and in turn be allowed to make any posts coming from a specific category come from a modified code which passes a reference parameter and changes the author's name to a new one?

Sorry if I am getting on your nerves or anything.
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Solved Re: Hide usernames in post

Post by Darren1 September 16th 2010, 7:04 am


I'm sorry but forumotion doesn't use php, thus the code specified above wouldn't work.

Unfortunately there is no way to make a username public/private, as Kirk has stated above.
You can suggest it in the suggestions for your forum section however Wink

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Solved Re: Hide usernames in post

Post by mrbeartoy September 16th 2010, 7:38 am

Ah, well that sucks in a way. lol

Thank you for the support then; I'll try to renovate it elsewhere, & if on my own time I make my own punbb/phpbb loop, I'll make sure to share it with y'all.
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Solved Re: Hide usernames in post

Post by kirk September 16th 2010, 9:39 am

Since the question was answered i will now mark as solved and lock the thread.

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Solved Re: Hide usernames in post

Post by Darren1 September 16th 2010, 10:38 am

No problem Smile

kirk, maybe the hide - Hide usernames in post Verrou11 button?

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Solved Re: Hide usernames in post

Post by kirk September 16th 2010, 11:09 am

Darren1 wrote:No problem Smile

kirk, maybe the hide - Hide usernames in post Verrou11 button?

oh oops... lol


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