How to create a forum for a closed community Hitskin_logo

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    How to create a forum for a closed community

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    How to create a forum for a closed community Empty How to create a forum for a closed community

    Post by David999 Mon Oct 11, 2010 3:51 am

    I'm starting a small forum for a closed community where I want to grant access to each new user manually. I have set the flags:

    New Account Activation to Admin in User&Groups.

    But when I try register as a new user, (Test user2), and get a notification as Admin the user is automatically granted access when I click on the link:

    The account owned by "Test user 2" has been deactivated or newly created, you should check the details of this user (if required) and activate it using the following link:"

    I want to be able to screen the new user and after this grant access manually. What additional flags to I need to set?

    Active Poster

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    How to create a forum for a closed community Empty Re: How to create a forum for a closed community

    Post by Diana Mon Oct 11, 2010 3:53 am

    I created a usergroup.

    Like the users sign up as normally, but they need to be added to a group before they see the forum.