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How can I hide the "Log In" link on the Header/Navigation Bar from Guests?

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hide - How can I hide the "Log In" link on the Header/Navigation Bar from Guests? Empty How can I hide the "Log In" link on the Header/Navigation Bar from Guests?

Post by Lady Lafalot October 27th 2010, 7:37 pm

I'd like guests to see the "Register" link, but not the Log In link.

When I go to ACP > Display > Homepage > Headers & Navigation, all my modify option fields are greyed out (except for the images). Do I need to change a setting elsewhere to be able to modify the permissions on that page?

Thanks in advance for your help.
Lady Lafalot
Lady Lafalot

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hide - How can I hide the "Log In" link on the Header/Navigation Bar from Guests? Empty Re: How can I hide the "Log In" link on the Header/Navigation Bar from Guests?

Post by MrMario October 27th 2010, 11:08 pm

Those are grayed out because they don't work. You just want to stop having people register and login?

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hide - How can I hide the "Log In" link on the Header/Navigation Bar from Guests? Empty Re: How can I hide the "Log In" link on the Header/Navigation Bar from Guests?

Post by Lady Lafalot October 28th 2010, 4:46 am

Let me better explain what I'm trying to accomplish.

I don't want guests to be able to copy the banner in the header at the top of the screen. I found the templates for all the page I do want guests to see (register, faq, etc) and put a disable right click script in the HTML to prevent it. I can't find a "log in" template to insert that same script into, so I thought I could get around it by hiding the login link from a guest so they can't get to it.

In other words, I want guests to be able to get to the register page, but not the log in page (which they have no use for anyway, because they are guests).

Here is a screen shot of the page guests see (the banner is at the top...I cut it out).

hide - How can I hide the "Log In" link on the Header/Navigation Bar from Guests? ForumLogin


I'm thinking about this more now and I think what I want to do may be impossible. Forumotion won't know who is a guest and who is a member when someone gets to that screen. So, I guess both links would have to be there.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I've been trying to figure out how to keep the banner above the navigation bar from being copied to a visitor's hard drive for days. Note: I can't disable right click in the entire forum, because once inside, members gift graphics to each other so right click and save is desired.

I hope I've explained myself better. If you're still with me after all that rambling, thank you so much!
Lady Lafalot
Lady Lafalot

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hide - How can I hide the "Log In" link on the Header/Navigation Bar from Guests? Empty Re: How can I hide the "Log In" link on the Header/Navigation Bar from Guests?

Post by Darren1 October 28th 2010, 5:16 am


There is NO template for the log in screen, thus making it impossible to edit that.
In addition, that screen is the main way for guest & members to log in.

A guest = a person on the forum not logged in.
That could be a member who cleared the cache & cookies of hi/her browser.
Remove that login box would mean s/he couldn't log in.
And there goes anyone signing into your forum.

You can hide the images via: Admin panel >> Display > Pics management / Advanced Mode > Login, portal ect, and hit the "hide" box & save.
We also now hide the text;
Admon panel >> Display > headers & Navigation > Display only images in the navbar : = Yes > Save.

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hide - How can I hide the "Log In" link on the Header/Navigation Bar from Guests? Empty Re: How can I hide the "Log In" link on the Header/Navigation Bar from Guests?

Post by Lady Lafalot October 29th 2010, 2:41 pm

Yes, I can see that not being able to give members a way to login wouldn't exactly be beneficial. Wink

Is there a way that I can keep the banner from showing up ONLY on the login page? My guess is that there isn't, but I thought I would ask.
Lady Lafalot
Lady Lafalot

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hide - How can I hide the "Log In" link on the Header/Navigation Bar from Guests? Empty Re: How can I hide the "Log In" link on the Header/Navigation Bar from Guests?

Post by ankillien October 29th 2010, 3:26 pm


To remove the log in link, you can add this code to your CSS...

a.mainmenu[href="/"] {

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hide - How can I hide the "Log In" link on the Header/Navigation Bar from Guests? Empty Re: How can I hide the "Log In" link on the Header/Navigation Bar from Guests?

Post by Maksud October 29th 2010, 4:44 pm

If guest can't log in, then there will be no members at all.
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