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[EMERGENCY QUESTIONS] what CSS code to hide the User Links ? (Help me)

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Solved [EMERGENCY QUESTIONS] what CSS code to hide the User Links ? (Help me)

Post by Ademin December 29th 2010, 12:06 pm

Dear, Master. ...
last night I see something forum (forumotions product) and it looks beautiful forum
why look beautiful? because in that forum there is no written form of Index, Portal, Search, and many more.
so Index is represented by a picture house (hide - [EMERGENCY QUESTIONS] what CSS code to hide the User Links ? (Help me) Home11), the search is represented by a mirror image (hide - [EMERGENCY QUESTIONS] what CSS code to hide the User Links ? (Help me) Find11), private messages are represented by drawing the Mail (hide - [EMERGENCY QUESTIONS] what CSS code to hide the User Links ? (Help me) Thread24). << yes something like that so essentially in that forum there is no reading, reading is represented by the image.

I guess it seems that using CSS code.

The question:
what CSS code to hide these readings, so that looks just the picture alone. if there is please write here the code

Thanks before salut
shakng2 Sorry I'am bad English hide - [EMERGENCY QUESTIONS] what CSS code to hide the User Links ? (Help me) Anigif10
hide - [EMERGENCY QUESTIONS] what CSS code to hide the User Links ? (Help me) 50058-27

Last edited by Ademin on December 29th 2010, 4:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Solved Re: [EMERGENCY QUESTIONS] what CSS code to hide the User Links ? (Help me)

Post by Harry Potter December 29th 2010, 12:47 pm

Administration panel >> Display >> Header & Navigation >> Display only images in the navbar : Yes
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
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Solved Re: [EMERGENCY QUESTIONS] what CSS code to hide the User Links ? (Help me)

Post by MrMario December 29th 2010, 6:58 pm

Solved => Locked

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