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4 posters

    falling snow code


    Female Posts : 2804
    Reputation : 93
    Language : scotch och aye!
    Location : Whats harder than a rock?!

    falling snow code Empty falling snow code

    Post by zinex November 11th 2007, 1:06 pm

    hi there, i have found quite a few falling snow javascript codes, but it doesnt matter where i add them, to a forum description or homepage box, they wont work. Does forumotion support javascript? And if so can anyone point me to a falling snow script that works?!

    Female Posts : 54
    Reputation : 0
    Language : English

    falling snow code Empty Re: falling snow code

    Post by AtoliSky November 11th 2007, 10:43 pm

    I've done a falling snow code before! It was kewl :3 Forumotion's okay with Javascript. you just put it in your homepage. ^^
    New Member

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    falling snow code Empty Re: falling snow code

    Post by anggaflash November 12th 2007, 3:33 am

    Well, I've tried using the falling snow script from dynamicdrive.com. Unfortunately, my profile looked very messy. But the script worked properly. Can anyone here help me where to put the the script in the appropiate place?

    I've put it in homepage section. But my page looked terrible!

    Need a solution, please!

    Male Posts : 83
    Reputation : 10
    Language : Macedonian

    falling snow code Empty Re: falling snow code

    Post by Koste November 12th 2007, 9:41 pm

    Try to open your forum with IE. Some web browsers doesn't support some scripts.

    Female Posts : 2804
    Reputation : 93
    Language : scotch och aye!
    Location : Whats harder than a rock?!

    falling snow code Empty Re: falling snow code

    Post by zinex November 13th 2007, 8:54 am

    oh sorry guys i got this myself, i wanted a very discreet one, so just used a basic generator, thank you!