admin control panel not working correctly, moderation buttons not working, when posting message saying link to insecure url Hitskin_logo

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    admin control panel not working correctly, moderation buttons not working, when posting message saying link to insecure url

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    Solved admin control panel not working correctly, moderation buttons not working, when posting message saying link to insecure url

    Post by mmainer January 24th 2011, 9:55 pm

    okay heres a weird one for you guys. last night i message typlo for forum founder account recovery and change on forum the forum founder has been gone for over 6 months. typlo responded to me today with a password that would allow me to access the founder account. i tried the password with the founders username and it allowed me to login to the forum. okay YAY i thought. now i can finish the migration. repost all the topics he created. switch the founder access over to my name and email and remove the old founders account. that was until i tried logging into the administration panel. it takes me to the page where i have to reenter the password to authenticate. once the password is entered. BOOM it kicks me back to my main forum page. i've tried this on both accounts. both take me back to the main forum page instead of to the control panel. both accounts i am trying to use are listed on the forum as administrator account(see attached screenshot). i've read several post on here on trying it takes me to the same page and when i enter the password the same thing happens. so i went to the forumotion utilities and tried logging in using the account founders name and the password that typlo sent me. it tells me that "The login and the password you specified are wrong." at this point i'm at a loss. i'm thinking its a coding error somewhere on the forum in question as i have received messages from new users trying to create accounts that they cant get the create account to work. and when i try and delete/move/lock/unlock/merge/split any topics on the forum i get a popup to confirm the action and when i go to confim it enters a loop where when i click yes it just pops up over and over again.

    i've clicked the clear forum cookies link but i'm not sure if it is clearing them or not. i have cleared my browser cache/cookies and all other browsing data. i have tried using IE8/firefox/chrome no luck on any of the three.

    can someone please help me and sorry for the length of my post but i was trying to get as much detail into it as i can.

    screenshot of account administrator accounts listed on forum. i have access to both accounts.
    admin control panel not working correctly, moderation buttons not working, when posting message saying link to insecure url Admini10

    editing this to add some more information that may help. since i've been having problems with the forum i figured i would post a sticky on the boards so people would know that issues were occurring and that i was working on fixing them. after i clicked the post button i received this pag(screenshot attached)
    and ideas as to what may be going on?? it was working fine last night and now today i'm having nothing but problems
    admin control panel not working correctly, moderation buttons not working, when posting message saying link to insecure url Insecu10

    should this maybe be in the need a forum technician section?? not sure how you would categorize this. as at first it started out i noticed i couldn't access the ACP. then the moderation buttons weren't working. then new accounts couldn't be created, then unable to post replies, now i've noticed i cant create new topics. seems like my whole forum has gone haywire. every time i try to do something it seems like it doesn't want to work.

    okay i finally got logged into the founder utilities and was able to restore my page back 2 days ago and log in and check everything. i found what i think is causing ALL of my problems as the minute i added it back to the page it started messing up the same as i had posted earlier. can someone figure out why this short segment of code that i have created a widget with is causing this many problems with the forum

    <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" STYLE= "height: 50px; width: 170px" VALUE="Ogame Homepage" ONCLICK="'')"
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    Solved Re: admin control panel not working correctly, moderation buttons not working, when posting message saying link to insecure url

    Post by mmainer January 27th 2011, 5:20 pm

    well i got my page working. also rewrote the code for the html button and now have the html button working too.
    heres the new code
    <INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" STYLE= "height: 50px; width: 150px" VALUE=" Homepage" onclick="'')">

    kind of amazing that you can shut the forum down over a typo ((i forgot a > at the end of the line)). maybe someone from forumotion should test the original code i posted and see why it shuts the forum down.

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    Solved Re: admin control panel not working correctly, moderation buttons not working, when posting message saying link to insecure url

    Post by MrMario January 27th 2011, 7:16 pm

    Solved => Locked