how can i make a link so you can click anywhere in the forum line and go into the topic? Hitskin_logo

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    how can i make a link so you can click anywhere in the forum line and go into the topic?


    Posts : 31
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    Language : english

    how can i make a link so you can click anywhere in the forum line and go into the topic? Empty how can i make a link so you can click anywhere in the forum line and go into the topic?

    Post by phat-master March 5th 2011, 11:12 am

    ok so this is pretty hard to explain, but here we go...

    ive made my forum topics change colour when you hover the mouse over them, i used this code

    table.ipbtable tbody tr:hover td {
    background : black;

    now im wanting to know how can i make it so that when it changes to black(the hover colour), you can click and it will link you inside the topic.

    how can i make a link so you can click anywhere in the forum line and go into the topic? Vne2cz