CSS Code for Customizing the Profile Background Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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    CSS Code for Customizing the Profile Background

    Flame of Souls
    Flame of Souls

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    Solved CSS Code for Customizing the Profile Background

    Post by Flame of Souls March 24th 2011, 12:12 pm

    Hello. In the screen shot below, you can clearly see that the profile background is white. It doesn't go well with the forum. I would like to know how to change it to either a different color, or maybe change the the white to an actual picture, like how I've done with my forum tables, or make the white transparent. Any of the above. Also, I don't necessarily need the CSS code. If there's a way to change it another way, then I would like to know how.

    CSS Code for Customizing the Profile Background Profil10
    And here's the link to my forum: http://demigodrpg.forumotion.net/

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    Solved Re: CSS Code for Customizing the Profile Background

    Post by Nera. March 24th 2011, 12:23 pm

    For phpbb3 try;
    Change the background-color: #your code;
    Here =>
    #cp-main .panel {

    Flame of Souls
    Flame of Souls

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    Solved Re: CSS Code for Customizing the Profile Background

    Post by Flame of Souls March 24th 2011, 2:18 pm

    Um, can you please tell me where to put the code, and explain a it a bit for me (I'm confused)? And is that the full code?

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    Solved Re: CSS Code for Customizing the Profile Background

    Post by Nera. March 24th 2011, 2:24 pm

    Go to admin panel and then >> Display >> Colors >> Css stylesheet.
    Press CTRL+F and then copy and paste the code I gave you here. It will take you to that CSS part. Under it add you will see background-color: #code written;
    Change that code.
    If there's no background-color: #code;
    => simply add it below.
    Flame of Souls
    Flame of Souls

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    Solved Re: CSS Code for Customizing the Profile Background

    Post by Flame of Souls March 24th 2011, 2:56 pm

    It doesn't seem to work. Can you post a screenshot of what you mean? I'm still pretty confused. Sorry to be annoying. Embarassed

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    Solved Re: CSS Code for Customizing the Profile Background

    Post by Base March 24th 2011, 7:43 pm

    Please go to:

    1. Administration Panel (advanced mode)
    2. Display Tab
    3. Colors (on the left, under Pictures and Colors)
    4. CSS Stylesheet and paste this code there:

    #cp-main .panel {
        background-color: #000000;

    Change the #000000 to a different hex code if you wish. Wink



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    Solved Re: CSS Code for Customizing the Profile Background

    Post by Nera. March 24th 2011, 9:52 pm

    You want see #ffffff; there, you'll see your code, this is from my panel.
    Simply take an other code and put it there.
    Flame of Souls
    Flame of Souls

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    Solved Re: CSS Code for Customizing the Profile Background

    Post by Flame of Souls March 25th 2011, 8:10 am

    The code worked, but in the screenshot below, there's still white around. I want to get rid of that, too. Please don't lock this just yet!

    CSS Code for Customizing the Profile Background Profil11

    Female Posts : 7078
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    Solved Re: CSS Code for Customizing the Profile Background

    Post by Nera. March 25th 2011, 9:57 am

    To change the white color around users cpanel, do the same thing but in this CSS part.
    .panel {
    You will see bellow background-color: #your code;
    Change that code to the code color you want there.
    Flame of Souls
    Flame of Souls

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    Solved Re: CSS Code for Customizing the Profile Background

    Post by Flame of Souls March 25th 2011, 3:17 pm

    Thanks a lot Nera! You're the best! But, I still need to get rid of the white on Information, Preferences, Avatar, etc. areas. Could you tell me how?

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    Solved Re: CSS Code for Customizing the Profile Background

    Post by Nera. March 25th 2011, 9:22 pm

    #tabs a span {
    Change the background-color: #code;
    That should change the color of all of them.
    If there's no code add it => background-color: #your code;

    If the color when you hover with a mouse over them isn't the one you want, change it here =>
    #tabs a:hover span {
    Change the background-color: #code;
    Flame of Souls
    Flame of Souls

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    Solved Re: CSS Code for Customizing the Profile Background

    Post by Flame of Souls March 26th 2011, 6:06 am

    Thank you very much. However, I used the code, added a bit of some other coding in it, and got this:
    CSS Code for Customizing the Profile Background Profil12
    Behind the Information there is a white box! And, the text color is black, and it looks bad. Plus, when I hover my mouse over to the other tabs, there's no text at all! What's the problem here? Is there a way I can change it? I am really, really sorry to bother you. Embarassed

    Female Posts : 7078
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    Solved Re: CSS Code for Customizing the Profile Background

    Post by Nera. March 26th 2011, 8:56 am

    1. To fix that white little corners around information change the background-color: #code; here =>
    #tabs .activetab a {
    If you don't want any background there put bacground-color: transparent;

    2. To change the letter color of information change only color code: #your code; here.
    #tabs .activetab a span {
    (background-color is the color for backgrounds, and only color code reprezents letter colors)

    3. To remove the corners when you hover with a mouse put here background-color: transparent;
    #tabs a:hover {

    4. You said there are no letters when you hover over with a mouse. You could try to fix it here =>
    #tabs a:hover span {
    Add or replace if is there only color code, to an example =>
    color: #ffffff;
    That will fix the letters.

    It is not a problem, but a little bit complicated no to do it in my forum and I never had phpBB3.
    If anything's left ask cause I don't see the same thing you do on your forum.
    Flame of Souls
    Flame of Souls

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    Solved Re: CSS Code for Customizing the Profile Background

    Post by Flame of Souls March 26th 2011, 9:39 am

    Thank you very much! I have nothing left to ask for the profile page, so...this thread is closed. Please lock it. Again, thank you very much Nera! CSS Code for Customizing the Profile Background Great

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    Solved Re: CSS Code for Customizing the Profile Background

    Post by Jophy March 26th 2011, 11:36 am

    CSS Code for Customizing the Profile Background Solved10Since this thread appears to be solved, I will lock this thread and mark it as solved now.

    Important: You can also help the moderators to know if your topic/problem is solved by EDITING your first post and marking the topic as solved. Thank you.