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    automatic update


    Male Posts : 943
    Reputation : 32
    Language : Tagalog, English
    Location : Alberta, Canada

    automatic update Empty automatic update

    Post by JAN2XONLINE April 1st 2011, 4:06 am

    Hi, im experimenting in my forum and i need some help..xDD i dont know if this possible or not but i made a "What's on your mind?" feature in my forum, i just want to make it like facebook status, i made a blog in my forum so i copied the link of posting in that blog and i want that whenever someone posted on that forum blog, i want it to show in portal, i dont like it to put in "news" widget because when i put it on there, when someone posted, another line is a screenshot.

    automatic update Evi10

    in the red box, thats where i want to put the thread posted when someone post...i copied the html of that box from my forum blog...the problem there is i already posted in my forum blog but still it says "No Message" in the copy version of my forum blog that i put in my portal, but when i view my forum blog, my messages are there! pls help me to change it to automatic update..Y_Y i hope u understaand me..

    btw here are the codes i copied:
    <p style="text-align: left;"><b>Grand Wall: What's On Your Mind?                                                </b><a href=""><img alt="" src="" width="70" height="42"></a></p><p style="text-align: right;"><br></p><p style="text-align: right;">