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    How does a person contact customer support

    twin spin
    New Member

    Male Posts : 10
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    How does a person contact customer support Empty How does a person contact customer support

    Post by twin spin April 11th 2011, 5:11 am

    I have been getting complaints from my reg. users saying that:
    "I seem to have a message, but the system is asking me to install something which will change my internet options."

    I have been requested to find a different server from my users. They have refrained from going to my forum until this has been resolved.

    They also complain that in the text box, the html appears for the bold\italic\underline\ strike thru\ ect. (that entire line) despite anything I do

    What I would like is to find out how to contact whomever (in non tech talk) in plain simple instructions how to get the "epp code or domain transfer code in order to transfer" ...... as other hosting companies are saying that is what I need if I want to transfer........I don't want to, but it's getting beyond aggravating.

    They also would like to know how to add spell checker ........ ya right Rolling Eyes

    Sorry guy's, but this forum format is beyond my non-techy ability.

    Male Posts : 48766
    Reputation : 2830
    Language : English
    Location : Mumbai

    How does a person contact customer support Empty Re: How does a person contact customer support

    Post by Sanket April 11th 2011, 5:53 am

    Why is this thread posted in the suggestions section? Moved to Other Problems.

    With a domain name transfer code, you can only transfer your custom domain name bought using credits from Forumotion. To get the domain name transfer code, please PM Typlo.