Im looking for a good Administrator or maybe a free team? Hitskin_logo

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3 posters

    Im looking for a good Administrator or maybe a free team?


    Posts : 89
    Reputation : 1
    Language : Bulgarian

    Im looking for a good Administrator or maybe a free team? Empty Im looking for a good Administrator or maybe a free team?

    Post by SupremeKing May 6th 2011, 11:11 pm

    Hello Im low on administrators on my yu gi oh forum and i need some1 who can give me a good boost over my forum all i need are some tips so i can make this look like this if you have any suggestions post them if you want to personally help me ask for administrator rights my skype that you can use for contact is DestinyKnigh7 this topic will be marked as signed ones i get the forum running! bwi

    Female Posts : 305
    Reputation : 40
    Language : Enlish
    Location : UK

    Im looking for a good Administrator or maybe a free team? Empty Re: Im looking for a good Administrator or maybe a free team?

    Post by lisa1302 May 7th 2011, 1:11 am

    Seriously you will give administrator rights to your forum to people you don't know?!

    Male Posts : 10386
    Reputation : 1695
    Language : English and French
    Location : United Kingdom, England

    Im looking for a good Administrator or maybe a free team? Empty Re: Im looking for a good Administrator or maybe a free team?

    Post by Base May 7th 2011, 11:12 am

    lisa1302 wrote:Seriously you will give administrator rights to your forum to people you don't know?!

    Agreed. You should never give someone admin rights if you don't know them well.

    As this is not a proper support request, I will lock this.

    This topic is locked