My members cant access Hitskin_logo

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    My members cant access

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    Solved My members cant access

    Post by iJoCiou May 13th 2011, 7:02 pm

    Okay, so I opened a pretty pissed off topic earlier in effect because apparently on its own Forumotion decided that since I am doing administrator stuff, my people cant access the forum.

    Granted yeah, I was pretty coarse and rash about it, because seriously.. why the hell would you people make it so members cant access ANYTHING if Im doing Admin stuff? At no point did I choose this feature, it has happened automatically and even if I log out entirely, my users cant access anything.

    Im pretty pissed right now. Why wouldnt you people put that effect RIGHT OUT IN THE OPEN where something that detrimental BELONGS? The admin services are not very user friendly, I have gotten as far as I have because unlike many people out there Im not a complete computer invalid.

    For someone with the experience I have ammassed over the years, not being able to find ANYTHING on this topic in FAQ(Which we wont get into about the little smart alleck response that was left about that before locking my last post) at least 6 run throughs of EVERY panel that I could find for Admin properties, and even just full out GOOGLING the answer Im looking for and still coming up empty handed, is nough to make an IT pull his hair out.

    The smart alleck also claims its an easy fix.. Yeah? MAYBE FOR SOMEONE WHO RUNS THE SHOW HERE!!! Not the lamen who simply wandered in to trust your promises of easy and advanced forum creation.

    This is my final attempt at resolving this.. if I get a sour response back again Im just gonna spread the word at how crappy the service ACTUALLY is and how UN thought out the layout for control is.

    Its prtty simple guys... HUGE functions such as ones that will cut off access to your forum should have a control panel ALWAYS on the dang screen, EVERY SCREEN. How would you not realize this IMMEDIATELY?

    Where the hell do I turn this annoying feature OFF? Or should I just bomb you guys on faebook, twitter, and every other popular web based function I use that UNDERSTAND common sense tools and preferences for the public and go to the competition because apparently the moderators and admins here cant separate from their own little world long enough to realize that maybe JUST MAYBE there are some discrepancies in this program that can very easily and understandably drive a new admin to hate mail.

    Such as oh say: I decided to update the new stuff for everyone and now all the sudden even tho permissions are open to all members, and I never once clicked on a message stating "If you do this, it will shut the site down until you find the expertly HIDDEN feature to open back up just cause we like to #$@% with you." or anything remotely close.

    So you guys gonna tll me where you hid the fix for this issue? or am I gonna take my strong talk on a campaign against your stuff because you cant admit that maaaayyyybe you should have made a function(s) which can literally shut down a forum ENTIRELY, accessible from EVERY screen in the admin area?

    Male Posts : 10386
    Reputation : 1695
    Language : English and French
    Location : United Kingdom, England

    Solved Re: My members cant access

    Post by Base May 13th 2011, 7:04 pm

    Please go to:

    1. Administration Panel (advanced mode)
    2. General Tab
    3. Configuration (on the left, under Forum)
    4. Check to see that neither "Forum in construction" or "Forum on holiday" is checked as Yes

    You may also find this topic to be useful:

    Your forum does not go into construction mode unless an admin specifically sets it. Do you have any other admins on your forum?
    New Member

    Posts : 3
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    Language : ENGRISH

    Solved Okay

    Post by iJoCiou May 13th 2011, 7:25 pm

    Thanks... you guys should SERIOUSLY consider putting a little tag next to the things that will shut off the forum like that. To a new guy going in, those bullets are very misleading. If it shuts down the site, you should warn that it will shut down the site.

    Male Posts : 10386
    Reputation : 1695
    Language : English and French
    Location : United Kingdom, England

    Solved Re: My members cant access

    Post by Base May 13th 2011, 7:28 pm

    You're welcome. Well, now you know where to find such a thing if it ever does happen again.

    I'm glad to help and I do hope that you will continue to stay with us. Very Happy

    Solved => Locked