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Post by liu kang May 15th 2011, 4:56 pm

How can I hide blogs from my homepage!
I want to have something like this!
a user choose a bloge from homepage and then choose a forum in the new page(blog's forums list) then choose a topic from that forum topics list!
for example:
other games(Category)-->sport(forum or blog)-->PES 2011(Forum)-->Cheats(topic)

I can do something like that but I don't want to show Forum on Subcribe of my blog or forum on homepage!!!
for example on my last example I don't want to shown pes 2011 on subcribe of sport on my homepage!!!
liu kang

Male Posts : 56
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Language : farsi
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hide - Hide blogs Empty Re: Hide blogs

Post by Guest May 15th 2011, 11:18 pm

dont get it, can you explain us in more details

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hide - Hide blogs Empty Re: Hide blogs

Post by liu kang May 18th 2011, 6:24 pm

In my forum,when I add a forum on a category and then add another forum attached to that,in my homepage users can see that forum!
I want to hide that!
For example In my homepage I made a category(computer) then I made a forum attached to that(softwares) and then I made another forum that attached to preview forum(converters)!
Now Users can see that(converters) but I dont want to they see that!
What should I do?

liu kang

Male Posts : 56
Reputation : 0
Language : farsi
Location : Iran

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