Foreign language translation and conversion problem Hitskin_logo

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    Foreign language translation and conversion problem

    New Member

    Male Posts : 9
    Reputation : 0
    Language : Turkish, English
    Location : istanbul, Türkiye

    Foreign language translation and conversion problem Empty Foreign language translation and conversion problem

    Post by muratumar November 29th 2007, 11:57 pm

    Hello there, (my first topic!)

    My forum has to be in Turkish and in Turkish version;

    1-there are some untranslated important words (like home, login, logout,..) ,
    2-some Turkish characters do not appear corrctly in certain places (like " kullanýcý adý " , meaning user name, appears as " kullan?c? ad? " ),
    3-some important buttons used in the standard forum navigation are still in English ( like "New Topic" is in English while it should be "Yeni Baþlýk").

    I know that i can edit the buttons and change the ones that i want to edit and upload them, but i do not know how to resolve the first two problem.

    Thanks in advance.

    Male Posts : 16217
    Reputation : 1832
    Language : French, English

    Foreign language translation and conversion problem Empty Re: Foreign language translation and conversion problem

    Post by Shadow November 30th 2007, 10:25 am


    we provide a translation tool for people willing to help us out with the translations.
    If you wish to participate and ameliorate your language, you can send me a PM with your Email, age, country, time you've got to help, and any kind of information you judge necessary Wink