How do i make my navigation bar bigger and/or make the text look bigger Hitskin_logo

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2 posters

    How do i make my navigation bar bigger and/or make the text look bigger


    Male Posts : 8755
    Reputation : 638
    Language : English & Basic French
    Location : Scotland, United Kingdom

    How do i make my navigation bar bigger and/or make the text look bigger Empty How do i make my navigation bar bigger and/or make the text look bigger

    Post by Derri June 1st 2011, 2:02 pm

    Like the title says how do i make it bigger could i get a step by step instruction i am very knew to this

    Female Posts : 7078
    Reputation : 2017
    Language : English
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    How do i make my navigation bar bigger and/or make the text look bigger Empty Re: How do i make my navigation bar bigger and/or make the text look bigger

    Post by Nera. June 1st 2011, 2:05 pm

    You can make your links/tekst bigger from Admin Panel >> Display >> Colors >> Font.

    If that isn't OK for you could you leave your forum link so we can give you a CSS code.