Our Forum Keywords H1 Tag Doesn't Exist? Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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    Our Forum Keywords H1 Tag Doesn't Exist?


    Posts : 157
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    Language : English

    Our Forum Keywords H1 Tag Doesn't Exist? Empty Our Forum Keywords H1 Tag Doesn't Exist?

    Post by CruizingComet June 10th 2011, 4:47 pm

    We have just carried out a keyword search on our forum for the "main word" people would search to find our forum, but the keyword analyzer came back with a report stating the following:


    Phrase not in H1
    The target keyword does not exist as phrase in the first H1 tag.

    Keyword not in H1
    None of the words from the target keyword exists in the H1 tag.

    Checks on Title / Description / Body / Domain name etc all came back as good except for H1? I understand that this is a very important tags for search engine placement and explains why our page rank is not as good as it could be because of it's omission, how do we correct this please?

    I read that a CSS code can be added? or is there a simpler way through the forum promotion settings in Admin panel?

    Any help appreciated


    Posts : 157
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English

    Our Forum Keywords H1 Tag Doesn't Exist? Empty Re: Our Forum Keywords H1 Tag Doesn't Exist?

    Post by CruizingComet June 11th 2011, 9:32 pm

    Any chance of getting a reply for this please??

    Thought this was supposed to be a support forum? Confused

    Posts : 157
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English

    Our Forum Keywords H1 Tag Doesn't Exist? Empty Re: Our Forum Keywords H1 Tag Doesn't Exist?

    Post by CruizingComet June 12th 2011, 9:45 pm

    This is my third day in a row trying to get a response to this question, can someone please respond?

    Surely this is a fairly straight forward question for support moderators to answer isn't it?

    Am I correct in thinking the H1 tag is the forum name listed in the "Site Name" field?

    Please can I get an answer to this? it's quite important to us to be getting the best search engine results we can with our limited knowledge.

    Male Posts : 11037
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    Language : English,Vulcan,Klingon, Romulan,& Gorn

    Our Forum Keywords H1 Tag Doesn't Exist? Empty Re: Our Forum Keywords H1 Tag Doesn't Exist?

    Post by kirk June 13th 2011, 3:43 pm

    What is H1 tag?
    i do not know what you are trying to do, can you please explain more.
    Be sure to post any links,screen shots or codes as well.

    Posts : 157
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English

    Our Forum Keywords H1 Tag Doesn't Exist? Empty Re: Our Forum Keywords H1 Tag Doesn't Exist?

    Post by CruizingComet June 14th 2011, 10:15 am

    kirk wrote:What is H1 tag?
    i do not know what you are trying to do, can you please explain more.
    Be sure to post any links,screen shots or codes as well.

    The H1 tag seems to be the heading from what little I know, this youtube link explains better than I can: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSC9Pdbn3uE&feature=related

    Another link also explains here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGhPPWm36Ys&feature=related

    The reason I think the H1 tag is so important is I've checked sites that have the H1 tag, but no other keywords and they SEO score way lower than us, but yet still come up in a Google search just as well or better than us?

    As I said earlier I presume rightly or wrongly this is the "Site Name" field in forum / config which we have included our main keyword in the title?

    We also have approx 3700 topics on our forum where this keyword (main subject) is mentioned over and over again, yet searches in Google are not bringing any of these topics up in searches, yet other forums weve posted topics on (not forumotion) show up in web searches? Confused