If i change my forum colors but in two areas the color wont change why? Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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    If i change my forum colors but in two areas the color wont change why?


    Solved If i change my forum colors but in two areas the color wont change why?

    Post by Guest Mon 4 Jul 2011 - 14:33

    I want to change my forums colors (background color 1,2 and 3) i want to change it from A8A8A8 to 000000 but when i change the colors in BG color 1,2 and 3 the "forum" & "posts" color changes to black but the color for "Topics" & "Last posts" wont change to black? why

    Im using invision and the url is http://www.wwegalaxy.com/forum

    Im sorry for not explaining it properly and i cant post a screenshot because my PCs print screen button doesnt work properly.

    Last edited by thedarkmenace on Mon 4 Jul 2011 - 14:52; edited 1 time in total

    Male Posts : 661
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    Solved Re: If i change my forum colors but in two areas the color wont change why?

    Post by Irian Mon 4 Jul 2011 - 14:38

    well, can you post a screen?

    bye Very Happy

    Solved Re: If i change my forum colors but in two areas the color wont change why?

    Post by Guest Mon 4 Jul 2011 - 14:42

    irian has i said that i cant post a screenshot because the button is not working properly but i can change the colors of my site and go on the link above so that you can see what im talking about.



    if you see that the posts and the last posts area is dark grey ( A8A8A8 ) and i dont want that i want it to be black


    sorry for keep editing but someone pmed me the answer

    Male Posts : 10386
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    Location : United Kingdom, England

    Solved Re: If i change my forum colors but in two areas the color wont change why?

    Post by Base Mon 4 Jul 2011 - 17:51

    Considered Solved => Locked