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2 posters

    title problems/icon problems/member list problems

    sky rs

    Posts : 45
    Reputation : 0
    Language : norwegian

    title problems/icon problems/member list problems Empty title problems/icon problems/member list problems

    Post by sky rs July 5th 2011, 2:46 am

    i have some questions:

    question 1: i have 2 pictures and the first picture is from my forum. its how my crown looks. i can only get half of the crown in my forums. and i have a secound picture from another forum. that have the full crown in theyr forum. so my question is. can i also get the full crown image in my forum? and not some parts of it?

    picture 1: title problems/icon problems/member list problems Hjelp
    picture 2: title problems/icon problems/member list problems Hjelp2-1

    secound question: i have used a small image showing up to the left for my username in users online.. and that image is also showing up at random places like at left for my avatar and maney more places.. so my question is.. how can i get that image showing up at users online ONLY!.

    Picture: title problems/icon problems/member list problems Hjelp3

    Question 3: in my member list its around 4 pictures.. poping up.. because of that image thing like that on in question 2. but now its showing up in member lists to.. is it a way i can remove it? and steel be able to have that image in users online only?

    picture:title problems/icon problems/member list problems Hjelp4

    thanks for helping.. if someone replays.,

    Last edited by sky rs on July 5th 2011, 7:55 pm; edited 3 times in total

    Male Posts : 48766
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    Location : Mumbai

    title problems/icon problems/member list problems Empty Re: title problems/icon problems/member list problems

    Post by Sanket July 5th 2011, 8:00 am

    Hi, your title not being specific and therefore not facilitating research via the search option, I'm not answering (nor is any other member ) until you change your title to a more specific one, related to your problem

    Why do we ask you to use explicit titles
    The forum's search engine bases its research on keywords found in [b]topic titles[/b].

    When you do a research, do you use "help", "urgent", "problem", "SOS" or "question" as keywords to look for topics about your problem/question?

    Certainly not!  So this is why it is important to use titles [b]related to your problem/question[/b].  Doing this makes the researches much easier for visitors who use the search engine to get an answer to their question.

    Thanks for your understanding.

    Forumotion Staff
    sky rs

    Posts : 45
    Reputation : 0
    Language : norwegian

    title problems/icon problems/member list problems Empty Re: title problems/icon problems/member list problems

    Post by sky rs July 5th 2011, 6:35 pm

    but can you help?
    sky rs

    Posts : 45
    Reputation : 0
    Language : norwegian

    title problems/icon problems/member list problems Empty Re: title problems/icon problems/member list problems

    Post by sky rs July 7th 2011, 7:09 pm

    some help??
    sky rs

    Posts : 45
    Reputation : 0
    Language : norwegian

    title problems/icon problems/member list problems Empty Re: title problems/icon problems/member list problems

    Post by sky rs July 9th 2011, 3:13 am

    some help____