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    A spammer...

    Demon of the mist
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    A spammer...  Empty A spammer...

    Post by Demon of the mist September 6th 2011, 10:10 am

    Hi, I am an admin of a forumotion naruto site. Currently the site owner has decided to revamp his site. Well a member joined under the name, "Detective Faggot." Well he then proceeded to post in every topic. Now I would never just bother you the staff of forumotion over that. It is what he was posting on every forum. Most of them were of homosexual pornography. The other ones were just disgusting images of people defecating, gory images of bloody part and a couple more. Now of course pornography of any kind is banned on here. But this isn't this user's first offense. On another site, I was just a member of this member did the same thing. He posted similar pictures everywhere on the site. He was using the same name. Now this member I believe is going to just keep doing this on forumotion. I really hope something can be done about this, I personally removed most of the pictures he posted. As I was hoping that someone on here could help with this problem. I left one of the pictures up and I have his information. If you could please contact me about this problem. The site I am taking about: http://narutorevelations.forumotion.com

    My username on there was: Demon Kage
    I am one of the last two admins on there. Anything you need please message me on here or on there. I will also check this thread for updates.

    Thanks, Demon of the Mist

    Male Posts : 22186
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    A spammer...  Empty Re: A spammer...

    Post by MrMario September 6th 2011, 4:07 pm

    Why don't you ban the user, IP, and make it admin active account?
    Demon of the mist
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    A spammer...  Empty Re: A spammer...

    Post by Demon of the mist September 6th 2011, 9:57 pm

    I did and removed the pictures the moment I saw them. I was informing that possible you guys could take this to the next level of punishment. This is the second time this user has done this. Which is why I thought I would inform you guys about it, in the hopes you could possible do something as a punishment. I mean this guys clearly knew I would IP ban him as probably happens to every site he spams. So I figured you guys would possible want to ban him from forumotion period or take other actions against him.

    Male Posts : 22186
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    A spammer...  Empty Re: A spammer...

    Post by MrMario September 6th 2011, 11:42 pm

    You can take action if you wish.
    Demon of the mist
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    A spammer...  Empty Re: A spammer...

    Post by Demon of the mist September 7th 2011, 12:26 am

    What should I do? I mean I posted this to let you guys know you have a troll. Who goes from site to site and posts gay porn all over the place. I mean I would assume you guys would want to do something about that?
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    A spammer...  Empty Re: A spammer...

    Post by !_NICK_! September 7th 2011, 12:34 am

    Well, you made the site. It's your site, so take whatever action you want.
    Demon of the mist
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    A spammer...  Empty Re: A spammer...

    Post by Demon of the mist September 12th 2011, 2:08 am

    So you want me to do what? Send a viral worm through his IP?

    I mean I am taking action by posting this here. I hoping that you guys could easily just do far more than we can. As this person has continued to spam with pornographic imagery.
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    A spammer...  Empty Re: A spammer...

    Post by Empire_1 September 12th 2011, 3:50 am

    I think what Demon of the mist is saying is that he wants this Detective guy to be banned from all Forumotion forums.

    And to be honest, I think that is a great idea! Very Happy

    Male Posts : 22186
    Reputation : 1839
    Language : test

    A spammer...  Empty Re: A spammer...

    Post by MrMario September 12th 2011, 4:16 am

    Demon of the mist there is nothing we can do here. If you want to take action why don't you Google and search yourself?

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