New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H Hitskin_logo

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6 posters

    New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H


    Male Posts : 798
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    New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H Empty New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H

    Post by Raph95 December 16th 2007, 10:14 am

    Hi everyone!

    Ok, you know that Forumotion is great and all those, but I suppose you are bored with that, so I'll skip that part, OK?

    So, I need help in many things, I don;t know where to start. After inviting many people from big sites like You Tube and those, my Forum starts to be more popular and popular. But I wont talk about that, you are here to help us, not to read how is my Forum good...

    1. How to add new buttons in Navigation Bar?
    2. How to add new Affiliates?
    3. Chatbox in HTML homepage?
    4. Other HTML pages?

    Thanks a lot,

    Last edited by on December 16th 2007, 3:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Male Posts : 6106
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    Location : Bucharest, Romania

    New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H Empty Re: New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H

    Post by Luky December 16th 2007, 10:20 am

    Hi, your title being non explicit and therefore not facilitating research via the search option, I'm not answering (nor is any other member Wink) until you change your title for an explicit one, related to your problem Wink

    Male Posts : 196
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    New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H Empty Re: New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H

    Post by DarkLord December 16th 2007, 10:29 am

    answer borrowed by zinex until the title is changed thank you.

    Male Posts : 798
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    New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H Empty Re: New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H

    Post by Raph95 December 16th 2007, 3:48 pm

    Yeah, but isn't it now a bit too long? :s


    Male Posts : 6106
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    Location : Bucharest, Romania

    New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H Empty Re: New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H

    Post by Luky December 16th 2007, 3:54 pm

    1. To add buttons to your navbar go to admin panel=>Styles=>Pictures & Colors=>Headers. There scroll to the bottom of the page an you will find the option to add a button.
    2.Don't know exactly what you mean by Affiliates.
    3. To activate the chatbox go to admin panel=>General=>Chatbox=>Configurate. From there choose "Activate the ChatBox" Yes and from the option"ChatBox display" Choose where you would like it to be displayed.
    4.To add other HTML pages go to admin panel=>Modules=>HTML=>HTML Pages Management.

    Last edited by on December 16th 2007, 3:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Male Posts : 6106
    Reputation : 264
    Language : Romanian, English
    Location : Bucharest, Romania

    New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H Empty Re: New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H

    Post by Luky December 16th 2007, 3:55 pm

    DarkLord wrote:answer borrowed by zinex until the title is changed thank you.

    Bold and Color are reserved for moderation, like this, so please keep to the default font

    Male Posts : 798
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    Location : Nis, Serbia

    New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H Empty Re: New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H

    Post by Raph95 December 16th 2007, 4:15 pm

    Thanks a lot.

    Male Posts : 6106
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    Language : Romanian, English
    Location : Bucharest, Romania

    New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H Empty Re: New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H

    Post by Luky December 16th 2007, 4:18 pm

    You are welcome!

    Female Posts : 2804
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    New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H Empty Re: New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H

    Post by zinex December 16th 2007, 6:03 pm

    luky thats me in the pink! Wink not darklord, he replied before the title was changed so i removed his post

    Male Posts : 798
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    Location : Nis, Serbia

    New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H Empty Re: New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H

    Post by Raph95 December 17th 2007, 2:54 am

    2.Don't know exactly what you mean by Affiliates.

    The little box in Portal where is your site (look here: On the left side)

    Male Posts : 6106
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    Location : Bucharest, Romania

    New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H Empty Re: New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H

    Post by Luky December 17th 2007, 3:18 am

    To add that one you need to know the HTML Code for it and then you create a Custom Block for your portal. To create a Custom block go to admin panel=>Modules=>Portal & Calendar=>Portal Structure. The last option on that page should be the create a custom block option. Click it and fill in the required info. Then click save.Now go to portal structure again and look for this option"Addition/deletion of personal modules" Look for the custom block that you just created(from the modules section) and add it to your portal.
    serenity moon

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    New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H Empty Re: New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H

    Post by serenity moon January 16th 2008, 6:26 am

    Luky again you have managed to help me out i have gone through several threads trying to find this and you have shown me in 2 seconds

    thank you. Wink

    Male Posts : 6106
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    Location : Bucharest, Romania

    New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H Empty Re: New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H

    Post by Luky January 16th 2008, 6:36 am

    You're welcome Wink

    Male Posts : 147
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    New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H Empty Re: New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H

    Post by Ridder7 January 16th 2008, 9:34 am

    Chatbox in HTML page:

    <IFRAME SRC="" frameborder="0" width="600" height="300"></IFRAME>

    Male Posts : 196
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    New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H Empty Re: New buttons, new affiliates, chatbox in my homepage, other H

    Post by DarkLord January 16th 2008, 10:47 am

    i didnt post that luky