Hey, when I load my logo by typing this:
<embed src=https://i.servimg.com/u/f48/16/88/08/90/pana710.jpg quality=high width=100% height=100%></embed>
Into "Site description", it don't redirects to main page of my forum. Like there is no link inside.
It is okey when I load my logo in pics managament, but then I don't know how to resize it, to fit the screen size for users with smaler resolution then my. More I woud like to delete that box betwen my logo and forums categories, that space where u can see that anoing banner if u havent got adblock, otherwise it is just empty space.
Edit: theres is little problem with text in MY PROFILE section, there boxes to fill info about yourself like: gender, hobbies, etc, but the text explaining witch box is about is not black like in every other place on my forum, but white so it cant be seen..
<embed src=https://i.servimg.com/u/f48/16/88/08/90/pana710.jpg quality=high width=100% height=100%></embed>
Into "Site description", it don't redirects to main page of my forum. Like there is no link inside.
It is okey when I load my logo in pics managament, but then I don't know how to resize it, to fit the screen size for users with smaler resolution then my. More I woud like to delete that box betwen my logo and forums categories, that space where u can see that anoing banner if u havent got adblock, otherwise it is just empty space.
Edit: theres is little problem with text in MY PROFILE section, there boxes to fill info about yourself like: gender, hobbies, etc, but the text explaining witch box is about is not black like in every other place on my forum, but white so it cant be seen..