I get you need adverts, but Adult ones on forum with kids? help? Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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    I get you need adverts, but Adult ones on forum with kids? help?


    Male Posts : 32
    Reputation : 1
    Language : english

    I get you need adverts, but Adult ones on forum with kids? help? Empty I get you need adverts, but Adult ones on forum with kids? help?

    Post by tozol 5th November 2011, 09:04


    I have a very successful gaming website/podcast and have used forumotion from the start, for a long time.

    Now I get you guys need ask, and if I had the cash to buy credits and remove them I would, but $20 a month hosting takes all the cash I have.

    But please, in my gaming environment we get kids coming to the forum, and its just been brought to my attention from a listeners/subscriber, that adult suggestive ads are appearing...surely guys this is taking it to far, and do we have any control at all.

    I would hate to have to move my forums after years of you guys being brilliant.

    anything I can do.?

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    I get you need adverts, but Adult ones on forum with kids? help? Empty Re: I get you need adverts, but Adult ones on forum with kids? help?

    Post by WHITESABBATH 5th November 2011, 15:27

    any ads that are considered inappropriate for anyone under the age of 13(required legal age to become a member of a forumotion site ), should not be displayed.

    I haven't seen anything overly explicit in my forum ads .. There's a couple on-line dating ads that pop up, but it doesn't have anything explicit in nature. Should there ever be, then i too would be concerned.

    Male Posts : 11853
    Reputation : 566
    Language : English

    I get you need adverts, but Adult ones on forum with kids? help? Empty Re: I get you need adverts, but Adult ones on forum with kids? help?

    Post by Darren1 5th November 2011, 15:43


    ForuMotion uses Google adds through a 3rd party, and only PG 13+ adds are supposed to be shown, ie the '1 new message' and 'download now' adds.

    The next time you see the add pop up, could you please get the link it has, so we can pass it up and get it removed, because it isn't meant to be there.

    Male Posts : 32
    Reputation : 1
    Language : english

    I get you need adverts, but Adult ones on forum with kids? help? Empty Re: I get you need adverts, but Adult ones on forum with kids? help?

    Post by tozol 5th November 2011, 15:48

    Thanks guys for the feedback, I'm just tracking down the listener to find out exactly what ad it was, and I'll get back to you.