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    Digi Design Pros

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    Posts : 2
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    Language : English

    Digi Design Pros Empty Digi Design Pros

    Post by Mrs_Searss April 20th 2012, 4:48 am

    Choice of the category: Art

    Choice of a title: Digi Design Pros

    Forum address: http://digidesignpros.forumotion.com/

    Main language: English

    Forum description: As a Digi Scrap Designer (Ex-Myspace Website Owner) I was apart of a previous forum for Myspace designers to post their products for sale. Since I knew not of a place like this for Digital Scrap Designers I created this forum to post and sale their CU products easily and Buy as they needed. All in one place.
    New Member

    Posts : 2
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English

    Digi Design Pros Empty Re: Digi Design Pros

    Post by Mrs_Searss April 20th 2012, 5:54 am

    Please if you are a Designer give us a try!