URGENT! The forum doesnt work at all! Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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    URGENT! The forum doesnt work at all!

    New Member

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    In progress URGENT! The forum doesnt work at all!

    Post by WhitePrincess May 22nd 2012, 3:02 pm

    Why did u close the other topic?!
    i had to respond!! and my answer is the forum doesnt work at all even if doin the backup, then i cant log in so i cant change everything abt codes etc...
    anyone who can help without closin the topic and answerin to others? thanks

    url http://love.ativi-forum.com/


    Male Posts : 11853
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    Language : English

    In progress Re: URGENT! The forum doesnt work at all!

    Post by Darren1 May 22nd 2012, 3:09 pm


    I'd like to apologize for my colleague's action's, he mustn't of been completely reading the topic - We all make mistakes.

    Can you clear the cache & cookies of your browser?
    Has anyone else informed you that the forum isn't 'working'?
    By not working, what do you mean, does it load to a blank page?

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    In progress Re: URGENT! The forum doesnt work at all!

    Post by Stephen- May 22nd 2012, 3:10 pm


    For me its working, maybe you should try to clear your cache: https://help.forumotion.com/t22597-how-to-clear-the-cache-in-firefox-internet-explore-chrome

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    In progress Re: URGENT! The forum doesnt work at all!

    Post by Jophy May 23rd 2012, 8:03 am

    Hello, sorry about that, I thought you already solved your problem when you said you had cleared your cache.

    Please give more information about your problem Wink
    New Member

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    In progress Re: URGENT! The forum doesnt work at all!

    Post by WhitePrincess June 2nd 2012, 7:10 pm

    Clear the cache doesnt solve the problem, the other members of the forum cant use it too,
    cant log in, links doesnt work, practically i can see the home page of the forum then i cant
    log in and change things, we cant post, we can do nothing, we cant also see old stuff cuz linlks r no "clickable"..

    Male Posts : 11853
    Reputation : 566
    Language : English

    In progress Re: URGENT! The forum doesnt work at all!

    Post by Darren1 June 2nd 2012, 8:06 pm

    Thanks for getting back to us!

    You must have a defective JavaScript active on your forum.
    If your logged in, proceed to: Admin panel >> Modules > Javascript
    You will see a button that says 'Activate Javascripts', select no & save.

    If you are not logged in, log in via the utilities and find the 'login directly to the admin panel'
    => https://www.forumotion.com/en/utils/

    If everything works again, there's a problem with one of your scripts, so you will have to remove one by one until you find out which one is bad. You should copy/paste the scripts into a notepad document before you delete it.

    If that doesn't correct it, there's a problem with your CSS, and one our CSS experts will be able to help out.