Is there a way to change each indivudual module? Hitskin_logo

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    Is there a way to change each indivudual module?

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    Is there a way to change each indivudual module? Empty Is there a way to change each indivudual module?

    Post by sonyman September 30th 2013, 5:01 am

    Is there a way to change each individual module's size, where they are, how many can be put on the portal page, etc. For example, I want 3 modules on the top, and just 2 big ones bellow them. Is this possible with CSS coding? Instead of being forced to use 3 or less only.

    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

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    Is there a way to change each indivudual module? Empty Re: Is there a way to change each indivudual module?

    Post by Ange Tuteur September 30th 2013, 9:51 pm

    It could be possible using nth child however, all widgets used must be public otherwise you risk major flaws in the design. An example of this would be adding overflow-y to the latest topics widget:

    Is there a way to change each indivudual module? Captur38

    In the code below though we're modifying a module with 14, if this module was hidden to guests another widget would inherit this number, thus applying overflow-y to it.
    You could also design your widgets by not using a table type; by using a series of tables and class names I'm sure you can do such.

    Male Posts : 2632
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    Is there a way to change each indivudual module? Empty Re: Is there a way to change each indivudual module?

    Post by levy September 30th 2013, 10:01 pm

    Him want to move the widgets on top and that's is impossible or with phpBB2 / punBB ( not sure , never tested ).
    At what you want, to have some widgets upper , some bellow them, is impossible.
    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

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    Is there a way to change each indivudual module? Empty Re: Is there a way to change each indivudual module?

    Post by Ange Tuteur September 30th 2013, 10:17 pm

    It is possible however, it would take a considerable amount of work especially if you're using forum widgets as well. That overall is more difficult. The only problem is you have to reposition each one individually, and like I said these may affect forum widgets as well.

    Example from one of my fourms:
    Is there a way to change each indivudual module? Captur39

    td.column:nth-child(1) > table:nth-child(1){
    td.column:nth-child(3) > table:nth-child(8){
    Oh I forgot to mention you also have to think ahead about different users screen sizes and zoom levels. I believe absolute position will work better, but you would also have to then modify the width of the widget too.

    Last edited by SethC1995 on September 30th 2013, 10:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Male Posts : 2632
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    Is there a way to change each indivudual module? Empty Re: Is there a way to change each indivudual module?

    Post by levy September 30th 2013, 10:23 pm

    At your code you have a very big problems and that don't make him to work :
    You don't have a unique class or any ID so , all your td.colum , forumline child will move upper so that will destroy your whole skin.
    him want to move the widgets not the statistics , log-in form and who is online.
    Ange Tuteur
    Ange Tuteur

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    Is there a way to change each indivudual module? Empty Re: Is there a way to change each indivudual module?

    Post by Ange Tuteur September 30th 2013, 10:28 pm

    I know that, the image above was only to give an example what is possible, and I've also stated that there can be issues when using this method.

    If the OP is up for this, it is for them to decide.
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    Is there a way to change each indivudual module? Empty Re: Is there a way to change each indivudual module?

    Post by sonyman September 30th 2013, 11:10 pm

    Thanks for the information seth Very Happy, I'll try these out.