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Sonic Boom RPG

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Sonic Boom RPG Empty Sonic Boom RPG

Post by Durzan April 17th 2014, 3:23 pm

Category: Games/RPG

Title: Sonic Boom RPG

Forum Address:

Language: English

Description: Sonic Boom RPG is currently a new forum with only a small handful of members. We have big ambitions however, as we hope to grow into a thriving community of role-players. If you are a fan of Sonic the Hedgehog, and/or love to role-play, then we are the forum for you!

We have an interactive world where every action you take can affect the world. Join one of four different factions as they fight for survival. The very actions you take will shape the world and the story.

We are also looking for trustworthy players to apply to be a member of the staff.
New Member

Posts : 5
Reputation : 1
Language : English

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