How do connect a thread and post to a form response Hitskin_logo

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    How do connect a thread and post to a form response

    Albert Dodd
    Albert Dodd
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    Male Posts : 10
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    Location : Louisiana

    How do connect a thread and post to a form response Empty How do connect a thread and post to a form response

    Post by Albert Dodd August 22nd 2015, 5:41 am

    Technical Details

    Forum version : #phpBB2
    Position : Founder
    Concerned browser(s) : Google Chrome
    Who the problem concerns : Yourself
    When the problem appeared : When entering the code
    Forum link :

    Description of problem

    I am new here and just beginning to learn HTML. I can do little things such as copy and paste what is correct and needs to be changed.

    I dont have the technical knowledge to know what i need to do or how to do it.

    I have forum and I am working on the linking a thread and post to a Response Form.

    I got the HTML for the Response Form and am looking to see how I could add a way in the code to not only have the information sent to the Spread Sheet and database. But at the end of the line or string of code be able to have the entry listed on a Thread and Post.

    Here is an example of the code for the Response Form:

    <span class="ss-choice-label">Low Stakes Cash Tables (Limit Hold'Em)</span>
    </label></li> <li class="ss-choice-item"><label><span class="ss-choice-item-control goog-inline-block"><input type="checkbox" name="entry.785636010" value="Low Stakes Cash Tables (No Limit Hold'Em)" id="group_785636010_2" role="checkbox" class="ss-q-checkbox"></span>

    In this example the code tells the Form what the Response is and where it is to be listed in the output of my Spread Sheet.

    Now what I wanted to was to be able to allow the Forum Thread and Post that List the samething on it to be able to connect to the same information and have it go directly into.

    This what the Forum Thread and Post link HTML looks likes.

    <li class="nav-tree-board-39"><a href=""><span class="new-icon">new</span><span class="item-text">Low Stakes Cash Table Coach's (Limit Hold'Em)</span><div class="clear"></div></a></li>

    Now with the two codes available to look at, If I wanted to connect them together and make it where the Response from the Response Form would Post to "nav-tree-board-39"

    How would I do that?
    Albert Dodd
    Albert Dodd
    New Member

    Male Posts : 10
    Reputation : 1
    Language : English
    Location : Louisiana

    How do connect a thread and post to a form response Empty Re: How do connect a thread and post to a form response

    Post by Albert Dodd August 22nd 2015, 7:48 am

    I will try and ask it in a different way.

    I am the Admin of my Forum, and when I start a Thread and then a Post on that Thread. There is a line of Code that tells the Forum or site that I am the Admin and posting as the Admin.

    I dont know what that looks like so I am hoping someone can post what that looks like so I can identify it.

    I do want it to also make a Profile Page at the same to show all the entries that they made. I would hope in making a Profile Page it would be similar in the one used already. Except I could modify the Profile for Coaching Only and have the Response's listed on the Forum Thread and appropriate place. I my mind it would seem that by adding listing to Profile Page I would be able to link it to them as a Listing Thread.
    Then again maybe I am crazy and expecting futuristic tools now in the present.