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Discord Connect for forumotion?

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Discord Connect for forumotion? Empty Discord Connect for forumotion?

Post by Sora Shiun'in June 12th 2016, 1:59 pm How can I do this in my forumotion forum?
Sora Shiun'in
Sora Shiun'in
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Discord Connect for forumotion? Empty Re: Discord Connect for forumotion?

Post by Legionheart June 12th 2016, 2:13 pm

Hello @Sora Shiun'in this looks like its discord's built in app. Once you have the iframe the server gives you simply go to your ACP>Display>Homepage>General>Paste the iframe from discord in homepage message box's message content container>Click save and you would be done. Alternately you can create it as a widget. Your choice.


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