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I am requesting a Banner for forum

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Solved I am requesting a Banner for forum

Post by birdsll March 30th 2010, 5:08 am

Nature of the creation : Banner
Creation size (in pixels) : Banner From 650 to 900 width and 100 to 250 height in pixels
With or without animation : I like animation but it isn't necessary. I'm unsure of different types of animation so I don't know a specific type. I would prefer animated text.
Background color : Red
Picture(s) link(s) : No pictures required, just text.
Text to insert : �#7810;ЖỲ�Mafia Wars Clan
Link to the font to download : font really doesn't matter
Font color : Black
Link of my forumotion forum : [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Extra comments : I am looking for a flashy type text banner, We would be happy with just a simple banner if animation isn't possible. We are a waring clan in Mafia Wars. Thank you for your consideration.
New Member

Posts : 12
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Language : English

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Solved Re: I am requesting a Banner for forum

Post by Matei May 21st 2010, 9:05 pm

Request considered done.[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

Male Posts : 2973
Reputation : 101
Language : Romanian (10), English (8), * CSS Stylessheet | HTML *
Location : Romania | Please do not send me pm`s for support or graphic requests, I just ignore them.

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