Forum doesn't change skin and does things from itself Hitskin_logo

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    Forum doesn't change skin and does things from itself


    Posts : 34
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    Language : Greece

    Forum doesn't change skin and does things from itself Empty Forum doesn't change skin and does things from itself

    Post by vem123 October 30th 2010, 9:57 am

    Hello, i recently put my forum under construction and with my staff we try to make a new skin. However 2 days ago it started changing randomly. I am sure no one did the changes because there was no such action from admins in the ''Security'' section of the admin panel.
    Now the forum leaves the ''Under Construction'' mode and opens itself !! Today the skin cannot be even changed :/
    Any suggestions ?

    EDIT : For the skin it was just some mistakes with CSS code , we fixed it now . problem solved
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    Forum doesn't change skin and does things from itself Empty Re: Forum doesn't change skin and does things from itself

    Post by Diana October 30th 2010, 12:15 pm

    You can leave the forum under construction for one day only.
    It says so on the page itself.