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Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Gunhack X
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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by kirk Tue 18 Nov - 19:09

This is weird.
my forum is telling me my last registered member
is someone Capone and he is in a group.

now this cant be. for one all the groups are i looked in the group
in case another admin added him and he is not in the list.

now hers the real strange part. i ran is name in the users and he don't exist.
i looked in the inactive members and there are none.

but here my forum is saying that the last registered member is Capone and he's in a group that he's not. and i have no Capone in my members list or on the forum at all.

so whats up with that. am i being hacked or something.. lol
i have never seen anything like this. it's not adding up.

anyone have any ideas what and why this could be?

oh and he's not on the banned list.
i never banned anyone. had no reason to yet.
i also checked all staff log's and there's no actions from anyone other then me?

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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by brij Tue 18 Nov - 19:27

same here even in my forum this Capone/ something was there my forum is configured to Holiday as i am making new still it was showing The newest registered user is Capone/ when i checked he was not in Users & Groups nor anywhere on forum so cant even delete so i did full forum backup and he was gone after that. i was using IPB Version that time.

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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by kirk Wed 19 Nov - 3:05

brij wrote:same here even in my forum this Capone/ something was there my forum is configured to Holiday as i am making new still it was showing The newest registered user is Capone/ when i checked he was not in Users & Groups nor anywhere on forum so cant even delete so i did full forum backup and he was gone after that. i was using IPB Version that time.

yea that's what mine was Capone/ so what is it.
if someone else had the same thing.meaning you then somethings up.
i myself have a few private forums that are in no forum directories.
not be cause we are doing anything that breaks tos. but because a couple are kids forums and we do not allow anyone in that the parents dont know.

we dont want anyone that the kids or parents do not know. there are too many Pedophiles out there that's why we do not allow any outsiders. so i do not like the idea of someone being there. but yet there not there. and in a group.. but yet there not there either?

if anyone else has this Capon/ character showing up please reply here.
it has to be some kind of hacker or someone trying to snoop around in places ware they have no business. let me find out it is some kind of pedo or something. i will do what i have to do to see this kind of crap dose not happen anymore.

if they are not a member then why are they showing up. this is b/s.
just to be safe i'm closing the forum until further notice. yea the kids are going to be thrilled. all the parents are starting to arrange up coming x-mas and thanksgiving activities.
i just do not feel comfortable with this. how are we supposed know who or what it is?
plus the parents are there and allow there children in be cause they feel it's safe there. if things like this are going to happen then they will not participate or allow there children be there either. so i am definitely upset an outraged. how can they join when they have to be activated by me first. but yet not showing up in the members list?something stinks.

is it possible this is how formotion or onlinegudian come in and mod things?
if so that's fine. but you better tell me whats going on with it. because i have no clue
and am thinking it's a hacker or someone in there trying to bring some kind of harm to the children.

i will take any legal action necessary. and i have over 50 parents that will back it up including some to who are even law enforcement. us as the creators and owners of our forums we have the right to know what is going on on it all the time. it makes no difference if it's a free forum or not. after all formotion is making money from us haveing forums on there host. so we have the right to know and control what goes on at any given time.

so for for someone to show up as the newest registered member in a group that you never activated or authorized, nor even shows up as them being a member?
then we obviously have no control what is going on our forum. this is unacceptable.
i want to know who it is? why they are there and how did they get there?

any new members are discussed and reviewed by the current members that are there now.if it's a case of someone hearing about us through the grape vine. then they have to submit information to allow a back ground check for us to be sure who they are.
like i said there are members from law enforcement with there families there too.
so this was never discussed,Capone/ should not be there and is not showing up as a member. but is there? plus you can not put a ban on someone that is not in your members list?

Last edited by kirk on Thu 20 Nov - 3:55; edited 1 time in total

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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by jonkil Wed 19 Nov - 14:38

I have the same non existing member.
capone\ is my newest registered member, but the name does not exist..... strange.

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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by kirk Wed 19 Nov - 17:46

well i came up with a solution for the children's forum.
actually it's my forum but i let my sister and some of the parents run it.
i just take care of the tech stuff and appearance and things like that.
after all i create forums for people so that was one my sister had an idea for.

but i still would like other members to reply here if they have the same problem.
i have bin doing forums for like over ten years now. and i never seen anything like that. but it's the computer for ya. things change every day.hackers what ever?

so i dont know who or what it is. but i do feel a Lil better knowing that i'm not the only one this is happened too. meaning i can probably rule out that it's not some kind of pedophile freak trying to get in to the forum.. but this day and age anything children are on online you have to be over cautious and i'm sure all members,mods and admins can agree with that.

so my apologies for kind of freaking out a Lil bit.
but that's the first thing that came to mind and the safety of the children is the forums first priority

Last edited by kirk on Thu 20 Nov - 4:04; edited 1 time in total

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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by brij Wed 19 Nov - 19:08

ya i would also like to know who is this Capone/ is it a bug or a hacker or something else and what to do when you see this Capone/ on your forums.

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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by UNiSEL Wed 19 Nov - 19:12

I think, I just think, Capone\ is a forumotion's bot (kinda).
But I have no idea the purpose.

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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by Bpoetic Thu 20 Nov - 3:21

Hi . .

I have started a thread as well . . .

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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by kirk Thu 20 Nov - 3:40

Bpoetic wrote:Hi . .

I have started a thread as well . . .

Phantom Newest Registered User
yea but you started your thread today. i started mine yesterday so your beat affraid hahaha just kidding my friend.frankly i dont care who's or what thread it's in i just want to know what the heck it is. so hopefully with two threads we will get a straight answer from staff. but they might not know what it is yet either?

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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by Bpoetic Thu 20 Nov - 3:48

LOL . . . yes, I wish they'd look. I bet there are lots more. It's a very clever trick - a scary trick and it needs to be stopped!

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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by Nessa Thu 20 Nov - 5:58

Wow, this is really strange guys, I just read both topics about this and can honestly not figure out what or who this member is. blackeye

I will pass a message to Typlo now about this Capone member mysteriously appearing on all your forums. I hope he can further help resolve this problem for you all. It seems so weird for this to happen like this, maybe it is a glitch somewhere.

Please be patient and I'm sure Typlo will address this further for you. Smile

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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by Gunhack X Thu 20 Nov - 6:03

Please, and thank you Nessa I am scared because I don't want my forum to be hacked.
Gunhack X
Gunhack X

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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by Nessa Thu 20 Nov - 6:21

I actually do not think it is a hacker or anything like that edward. I personally think it has to be a glitch of some sort maybe. Because I have notice ever so often even here on the Support forum, the Admin Canceo is listed as the newest registered member sometimes when hes been on staff for quiet some time already, but I can't say for sure why, you know?

Typlo can probably answer these questions for you, so just hang tight guys , I'm sure he'll look into this as soon as possible. mwii

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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by Gunhack X Thu 20 Nov - 6:24

Ok, and thank you again. I hope this will be fixed soon.
Gunhack X
Gunhack X

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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by Shadow Thu 20 Nov - 10:08

This is a bot that browses forums on the web, you shouldn't have to worry about it Wink

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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by Sanket Thu 20 Nov - 10:13

Typlo wrote:This is a bot that browses forums on the web, you shouldn't have to worry about it Wink

Thanks for the clarification.
Is it a bot by forumotion itself, as was suggested in some thread scratch

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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by Shadow Thu 20 Nov - 10:15

No nothing to do with us actually.

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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by Guest Thu 20 Nov - 12:00

Typlo wrote:This is a bot that browses forums on the web, you shouldn't have to worry about it Wink
Why has this "bot" got the same ip address as tim/timmy a member on here?
Can I direct your attention to a piece of code.

Ever experienced this? You ask Google to look something up; the engine returns with a number of finds, but if you try to open the ones with the most promising content, you are confronted with a registration page instead, and the stuff you were looking for will not be revealed to you unless you agree to a credit card transaction first....
The lesson you should have learned here is: Obviously Google can go where you can't.

Can we solve this problem? Yes, we can. We merely have to convince the site we want to enter, that WE ARE GOOGLE.
In fact, many sites that force users to register or even pay in order to search and use their content, leave a backdoor open for the Googlebot, because a prominent presence in Google searches is known to generate sales leads, site hits and exposure.
Examples of such sites are Windows Magazine, .Net Magazine, Nature, and many, many newspapers around the globe.
How then, can you disguise yourself as a Googlebot? Quite simple: by changing your browser's User Agent. Copy the following code segment and paste it into a fresh notepad file.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\5.0\User Agent]

Voila! You're done!

This code was found on a forumotion forum and guess who's a member of the same?
Note I have altered it to be useless.
Also on the same site was a paypal hack too.
Definitely not a bot.

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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by kirk Thu 20 Nov - 13:20

Typlo wrote:This is a bot that browses forums on the web, you shouldn't have to worry about it Wink

the only question i have is.
if this is a bot? then why did it appear as in one of my groups and a member?
my groups are closed? plus it's not in the members list? it's jsut strang that it would show up like that?

now i did also notice that it/the thing never came up on the recent members logged in during the last 24 hours?(mine is 99)

Last edited by kirk on Fri 21 Nov - 23:41; edited 1 time in total

Male Posts : 11037
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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by Bpoetic Thu 20 Nov - 13:38

It seems odd that a *bot* would/could be able to actually appear to be a registered member . . .

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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by kirk Thu 20 Nov - 18:46

Bpoetic wrote:It seems odd that a *bot* would/could be able to actually appear to be a registered member . . .

i know. let alone in a group?

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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by MrMario Thu 20 Nov - 18:58

It is but at least they are trying to get are forum on the search engine.

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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by brij Thu 20 Nov - 19:45

Typlo wrote:This is a bot that browses forums on the web, you shouldn't have to worry about it Wink
Thanks Typlo for this information but why this bot makes himself a Registered user why dont he browse our forums like other bots Google,Msn,Yahoo.
still its not a hacker so we dont have to worry Thanks again Very good

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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by Brandon Thu 20 Nov - 20:59

I didn't know bots registered as a member of the forum...

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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by Guest Thu 20 Nov - 23:58

Brandon wrote:I didn't know bots registered as a member of the forum...
You are totally right and also there is no bot anywhere in the world called /Capone.

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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by SophieDophs Fri 21 Nov - 0:59

I've been following this thread (and the other one) and if what you say is true, couldbe86, then this is very disturbing.

Are the powers that be at forumotion taking note of this do you think?

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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by Rok Fri 21 Nov - 1:04

Well, from what I'm looking at, the admins aren't very much noticed into this. So, I believe we should act like this is nothing, just like the admins are. I believe this is a harmless situation that is just helping the forums and making sure everything is ok.

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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by Guest Fri 21 Nov - 18:59

That's disturbing as hell, coudbe! Thanks for the research and insight.

couldbe86 wrote:
Typlo wrote:This is a bot that browses forums on the web, you shouldn't have to worry about it Wink
Why has this "bot" got the same ip address as tim/timmy a member on here?
Can I direct your attention to a piece of code.

Ever experienced this? You ask Google to look something up; the engine returns with a number of finds, but if you try to open the ones with the most promising content, you are confronted with a registration page instead, and the stuff you were looking for will not be revealed to you unless you agree to a credit card transaction first....
The lesson you should have learned here is: Obviously Google can go where you can't.

Can we solve this problem? Yes, we can. We merely have to convince the site we want to enter, that WE ARE GOOGLE.
In fact, many sites that force users to register or even pay in order to search and use their content, leave a backdoor open for the Googlebot, because a prominent presence in Google searches is known to generate sales leads, site hits and exposure.
Examples of such sites are Windows Magazine, .Net Magazine, Nature, and many, many newspapers around the globe.
How then, can you disguise yourself as a Googlebot? Quite simple: by changing your browser's User Agent. Copy the following code segment and paste it into a fresh notepad file.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\5.0\User Agent]

Voila! You're done!

This code was found on a forumotion forum and guess who's a member of the same?
Note I have altered it to be useless.
Also on the same site was a paypal hack too.
Definitely not a bot.

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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by Guest Fri 21 Nov - 19:03

rokstrsk83rdude wrote:Well, from what I'm looking at, the admins aren't very much noticed into this. So, I believe we should act like this is nothing, just like the admins are. I believe this is a harmless situation that is just helping the forums and making sure everything is ok.
I believe in santa but it don't make him real.
The admins haven't a clue which is obvious by their answer.
Posts like the above don't help either.
Oh yes eventually the admins may admit this \capone is a nasty but I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you.
I did 6 hours research using web security sites and along comes an admin who didn't check at all and everyone is happy with his answer, god that's sheep syndrome at its worst?

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Why do i have a non exsiting member? Empty Re: Why do i have a non exsiting member?

Post by kirk Fri 21 Nov - 23:27

MrMario wrote:It is but at least they are trying to get are forum on the search engine.

yea but some people dont want there places in any search engines.
especially when it comes to a children's forum. you kidding me the minute that's in a directory or search engine your going to have every pedophile freak in the world trying to get in there. so they need to take there bots and get to stepping.. plus i have mine set for no bots anyway(oh wiat? thats just to display them)lol.
but i dont care like i said i came up with a solution.
i was just hoping to find out who and what it was?

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