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A script that I can hook up to a picture to launch an application?

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A script that I can hook up to a picture to launch an application? Empty A script that I can hook up to a picture to launch an application?

Post by LAPDCLANLEADER May 23rd 2010, 4:53 am

Hello everyone!

I have a mouse over mouse out button that I want to use to launch an application.

The website I have is a clan forums and I feel like including a button to start the game that we have a clan on.

Can you please tell me what the script is? thanks forumotion :wouhou:
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A script that I can hook up to a picture to launch an application? Empty Help!

Post by LAPDCLANLEADER May 24th 2010, 3:33 am

Hey guys I think you are having some problems understanding this, which explains why I have no answers yet. Here is exactly what I want to do.

I have a button (on mouse over on mouse out button) which looks like this A script that I can hook up to a picture to launch an application? Start_12 and you you bring the mouse over it, the button turns like A script that I can hook up to a picture to launch an application? Start_13 this. I am trying to hook it up to a launch an application javacode, which I think it suppose to be
<A href="#" onClick="runcmd(); return false;">Run CMD.exe</A>

I tried so many things trying to mix those two codes together and failed! please help
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A script that I can hook up to a picture to launch an application? Empty Re: A script that I can hook up to a picture to launch an application?

Post by harvengure May 26th 2010, 3:22 pm

It seems a rather straightforward question. I suspect it's the potential for holes in security that has this question unanswered so far.

But what you ask for can be done, you are even on the right track.


<SCRIPT Language="JScript">
function runcmd() {
WSH=new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");;

<A href="#" onClick="runcmd(); return false;">Run CMD.exe</A>

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A script that I can hook up to a picture to launch an application? Empty Re: A script that I can hook up to a picture to launch an application?

Post by LAPDCLANLEADER May 27th 2010, 2:17 am

harvengure wrote:It seems a rather straightforward question. I suspect it's the potential for holes in security that has this question unanswered so far.

But what you ask for can be done, you are even on the right track.


<SCRIPT Language="JScript">
function runcmd() {
WSH=new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");;

<A href="#" onClick="runcmd(); return false;">Run CMD.exe</A>

Ok I had this code but how do I hook it up to the picture?
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A script that I can hook up to a picture to launch an application? Empty Re: A script that I can hook up to a picture to launch an application?

Post by harvengure June 4th 2010, 11:47 am

lol...I'm not sure if that's a serious question or not. xD
Just change the Run CMD in the link html to the html required for an image.

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